Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Meditation on Twin Hearts Up Close

Most people nowadays are familiar with the many benefits of meditation, so it does not always sound so exotic if one encounters it somehow. All pranic healing graduates know about the Meditation on Twin Hearts, or MTH as it is commonly called, because it is taught at the Basic Pranic Healing seminar, which all pranic healers pass through. For most of the students, it is the first meditation they have ever encountered.

Although the MTH is the first meditation taught to pranic healing students, it is actually an advanced meditation technique. Why is it considered advanced? And if so, why is it even being taught to new students?

Before we answer those questions, let's take a closer look at the origins of the Meditation on Twin Hearts. A lot of what I will say comes from Master Choa's books such as Miracles Through Pranic Healing (formerly The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing), Om Mani Padme Hum - The Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus and The Origins of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. They all mention the MTH at some point, but each book offers a different perspective each time, therefore it is helpful to refer to all of them.

According to Master Choa, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is a higher form of the Buddhist Meditation on Loving Kindness. In Buddhism, loving kindness is called metta. Metta is a state of mind that seeks to unselfishly cultivate the welfare of others. The process of achieving this state of mind is called Bhavana, which one may translate as meditation. Therefore the Meditation on Loving Kindness is called Metta Bhavana in Buddhism. You may read more about it at this website.

Metta Bhavana develops and activates the heart chakra. All positive emotions and traits such as joy, love, unselfishness, generosity and compassion are attributed to the heart. This is why in Filipino, generous and kind people are called ginintuang puso or golden-hearted. Makes you wonder if the person who coined the term was clairvoyant, because the heart chakra does exude a golden aura when you consistently practice generosity, kindness and compassion to others.

In the MTH, not only is the heart chakra activated, but the crown chakra as well. The "twin hearts" refers to the heart chakra, the center for human love or love for others, while the crown chakra is the other "heart" or center for Divine love. Before the crown chakra can be activated, the heart chakra must be activated first, because how can one experience universal love if one does not even have love for one's fellow human beings? Activating the crown chakra opens the door for spiritual illumination and cosmic consciousness. This is why the MTH is considered a higher form of the Meditation on Loving Kindness. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is in fact based on a small section of Arhatic Yoga Level Two.

Before we proceed, it is interesting to note that in the Catholic tradition, there is reference to the two hearts of Jesus. Esoteric concepts are consistent the world over, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that early Christianity was aware of the importance of the twin hearts. A lot of spiritual truths can be found in the Catholic religion, though many have forgotten their meaning and significance and have been reduced to following tradition by rote.

So we go back to the question, if the MTH is such an advanced technique, why is it the first meditation taught to pranic healing students? The answers encompass several levels.

1. To produce more powerful healers.

During the meditation, an intense amount of divine energy pours down upon the person. This energy not only partially activates the chakras and expands the person's aura, but also flushes out all negative thoughts, feelings and energies within the person. After the meditation, the person feels refreshed, blissful and more energetic. The person is then able to use this divine energy to become a channel of healing for others.

Some time after the meditation, the size of the aura and the chakras decrease, but remain at a level higher than before the meditation. Done regularly, the MTH allows the person to project more and more powerful healing energy, sometimes resulting in immediate or miraculous healing among patients. It is like regularly going to the gym, where one's muscles continuously develop until heavier and heavier weights can be lifted and for longer periods. The MTH does the same thing for one's chakras and energy body.

2. To cultivate peace and harmony in a person's life and relationships by balancing self-interest with love and compassion.

Among most people, the instincts for self-preservation, sex drive and tendencies to react with lower emotions are quite prevalent. One book I read even describes peoples' lives revolving around eating, sleeping (shelter), sex and defending (one's possessions or social standing). Modern technology has changed the way we experience these things, but the basic drive has not changed since the time of the cave-dweller.

The educational system has also contributed to the imbalance by over-emphasizing the concrete and abstract mind, but for the most part lagging behind or even forgetting the development of the heart (compassion, mercy, generosity, selflessness, honesty, etc.), and also the crown (spirituality and a deep reverence to the Divine). This is why one may encounter people who are very smart, cunning and intelligent but are very abrasive and insensitive to others. The problem can even be seen at the national levels with government leaders who may be intelligent, but use their minds to benefit themselves at the cost of bringing more misery and suffering to their country.

Take note that self-interest and development of the mind are not bad per se. It is when they start to rule a person's life that the problem happens. The key is to balance everything. By practicing the MTH regularly, a person is able to balance one's own drive with the consciousness of being others-oriented. Thus, spiritually balanced people who are intelligent as well as loving and compassionate are produced, who can then use their gifts for the benefit of many people.

3. As a form of world service, for the healing of Mother Earth.

Part of the MTH involves channeling the downpour of divine energy towards the Earth and all its inhabitants. This results in a wonderful healing energy that can not only be used to heal a small community or a country, but the whole world as well. And looking at the news, there is no doubt that the Earth needs a lot of healing. Centuries of abuse, ignorance and neglect are finally exacting its toll and the MTH is one of the most powerful tools to mitigate the effects of all these Earth changes.

By performing this world service, people who practice the MTH earn good karma that they can also use to improve their own lives. Meditating as a group has an exponential effect compared to meditating alone, therefore people and families are encouraged to meditate together. The healing of Mother Earth is in fact so important that the spreading and teaching of the Meditation on Twin Hearts is encouraged even among non-pranic healers (though under the guidance of a pranic healer, who is aware of all the precautions and guidelines).

To the skeptic, the first reaction to the concept of healing the Earth can be "YEAH, RIGHT!". After all, how can an individual or even several individuals influence something as massive as the world? Amazing as it may seem, there is evidence that points in this direction.

In quantum physics, it has been shown that at the subatomic level, the consciousness of the observer influences how subatomic particles move and place themselves. For some reason, Newtonian physics ends at the atomic level, and we enter a whole new reality once we go deeper beyond the atom, sort of like Alice entering the rabbit hole. This is just one example that shows how the mind can influence reality. Science subjects can be boring for most, so if you want an entertaining yet informative documentary about quantum science, I recommend that you watch What the Bleep Do We Know on You Tube. It's quite long, though, so you might want to download all the segments first before playing the whole documentary. It should be about 2 hours long.

Going up a little higher to another level, starting in the late 90's, Masaru Emoto has published several books entitled Messages from Water. The basic premise is that thoughts, feelings and music can influence the molecular structure of water, which can be seen when the water is frozen and viewed from a microscope. Water samples that were exposed to loving thoughts, feelings and beautiful music had beautiful crystalline structures, while those samples exposed to a lot of negative thoughts, feelings and music had barely any structure at all.

How about the whole world, then? Even if the mind can influence small material objects, how can it change the world? To answer this, I would like to quote directly from the book of Gregg Braden, Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age, because he says it best. The following quotation is from pages 193-195 of the said book:

--Start quote--

While there is a lot that we don't know about consciousness, there is one thing that we do know for certain: it is made of energy. That energy includes magnetism. While we can explore the magnetic nature of consciousness for another hundred years and still not solve all of its mysteries, we can apply what we've learned so far to help us meet the conditions of a changing world. A growing body of evidence now suggests that Earth's magnetic field plays a powerful role in connecting us with one another, as well as the planet.

In September 2001, two geostationary operational environmental satellites (GOES) orbiting the Earth detected a rise in global magnetism that forever changed the way scientists view our world and us. The GOES-8 and GOES-10 each showed a powerful spike of Earth's magnetic-field strength in the readings they broadcast every 30 minutes. It was the magnitude of the spikes and the time they occured that first called them to the scientists' attention.

From a location of about 22,300 miles above the equator, GOES-8 detected the first surge, followed by an upward trend in the readings that topped out at nearly 50 units (nanoteslas) higher than any that had been typical for the same time previously. The time was 9 A.M. eastern standard time, 15 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center and about 15 minutes before the second impact.

The correlation between the events and the readings was uncanny. And it was undeniable. In light of the data, two questions had to be asked: Were the attacks on the World Trade Center and the satellite readings actually related? If so, what was the link? It's the answer to the second question that sparked the research, and the ambitious initiative, that has followed.

Subsequent studies by Princeton University and the Institute of HeartMath, an innovative nonprofit institution formed in 1991 to pioneer research and development of heart-based technologies, have found that the correlation between the GOES readings and the events of 9/11 are more than coincidences. Following the discovery that the satellites had recorded similar spikes during events of global focus in the past, such as the death of Princess Diana, the factor that seemed to connect the readings was clear: the indications pointed to the human heart.

Specifically, it's the heart-based emotion of the world's population that results from such events that seems to be influencing the magnetic fields of the earth. What makes this discovery so significant is that those fields are now linked to everything from the stability of the climate to the peace between nations.

Among the new findings are two discoveries that give new meaning to what the satellites showed us on September 11, 2001:

-- Discovery 1: It is well documented that the human heart generates the strongest magnetic field in the body, nearly 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain. This field creates a doughnut-shaped pattern that extends well beyond the physical body and has been measured at distances of five to eight feet from the physical heart. Data suggest that this field may be so large that we end up measuring it in miles; however, it's beyond the scope of the equipment used to detect such fields.

Implication: The heart's magnetic field responds to the quality of emotion that we create in our lives. Just as the intuitive link between feelings and the body seems to suggest, positive emotions increase the physical balance of hormones and heart rhythms, as well as mental clarity and productivity. Just as intuitively, studies show that negative emotions can influence as many as 1,400 biochemical changes in the body that include hormonal imbalance, heart-rhythm chaos, mental "fogginess," and poor performance.

-- Discovery 2: Certain layers of Earth's atmosphere, along with the earth itself, generate what is now being called a "symphony" of frequencies (between .01 and 300 hertz), some of which overlap the same ones created by the heart in its communication with the brain. It's this apparently ancient and almost holistic relationship between the human heart and the shield that makes life possible on Earth that has led to a beautiful theory and the project exploring it. In the words of HeartMath researchers, the relationship between the human heart and Earth's magnetic field suggests that "strong collective emotion has a measurable impact on the earth's geomagnetic field."

Implication: If we can learn the language of the heart - the same one that Earth's protective magnetic shield recognizes and responds to - then we can participate in the effects that the field has upon all life. This is where such a futuristic-sounding relationship becomes even more exciting. Changes in the magnetic fields that we access through our hearts have been associated with shifts that include the activity of the brain and nervous system, memory, and athletic performance; the ability of plants to create vital nutrients; human mortality from heart conditions; and the numbers of reported cases of depression and suicide, among others.

These two discoveries have opened the door to a new era of understanding our relationship with the earth. From the revelations the question has shifted from Is there an effect between collective emotion and the earth? to Why not? If a large enough portion of Earth's population were to focus the strongest magnetic field of the human body upon one emotion in the same period of time, it makes tremendous sense that such a focus would affect the portion of the planet that operates in the same range of frequencies as the emotions.

The relationship is clear: A change in the way we feel about ourselves and our world has the potential to affect the world itself. If the change is a positive one, then the effect of the emotions that result should be positive as well. Such a change is known to create coherence between the heart and the brain, and it now appears that the effect extends into the fields that support life on our planet. In the words of the HeartMath researchers, "Regulating emotions is the next frontier in human evolution."

--End quote--

Amazing, isn't it? If there was any scientific basis to the Meditation on Twin Hearts, this would be it. It hints at the relationship between the heart and the brain (which is connected to the crown chakra), as well as hints why the MTH is an instrument of world service, and why it is ideally done as a group.

Interestingly, the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception has a section that discusses the different levels of the Earth. There is what is called the "reflecting ether" whereby all activities of humanity upon the Earth are reflected back upon them. If good is done, there is peace and bounty, but the cumulative results of evil would reflect as chaos and catastrophes. It's curious that Gregg Braden's description about the Earth's magnetic field is similar to what the reflecting ether does. Just goes to show that just because science may not be able to explain it, doesn't mean that the ancients didn't know what they were talking about. All too often, later on science stumbles upon a "new discovery" that happens to confirm something that has been in ancient texts for thousands of years.

Before I end this article, I want to relate one case where the MTH was able to effect change in a violent neighborhood. During one seminar, our instructor told us a story about a pranic healing center in South America (I forgot the country, but it was somewhere there). The general area where the healing center was located was notorious for being filled with criminals, drug-dealers and other dangerous people. It was like Tondo in Manila or being in The Bronx in New York. From the time the center was put up, the people at the center did the Meditation on Twin Hearts everyday, and at the end of the meditation specifically blessed the whole neighborhood. After a few months, all the criminals were gone, either captured by the police or somehow decided to move out, such that it became a normal neighborhood. The lesson is that you can bless your workplace, your home, your loved ones, even people you don't get along with. Such is the power of the MTH.

In case you are already raring to start practicing the Meditation on Twin Hearts, you should be aware of certain precautions. The following should not do the meditation:

- Persons below 16 years of age.
- Patients with severe heart ailment, hypertension, glaucoma, or kidney and liver problems.
- Pregnant women.
- Heavy smokers.
- Heavy meat eaters (particularly pork).
- Persons with excessive alcohol consumption or use of addictive and hallucinogenic drugs.

The energy from cigarettes, red meat such as pork, lots of drugs and alcohol are gross energy, while divine energy is very refined. The gross energy is clairvoyantly seen as energy congestions within the body, so once divine energy pours in, the congestions could worsen (like having a sudden inflow of high pressure water in a dirty pipe; the pipe could burst).

One should also do at least 5 minutes of physical exercise before and after the meditation, to make sure the energy channels remain clear of any energy congestion. If you will be doing this meditation for the first time, it is advisable that you visit a pranic healing center nearest you so that they can advise you better on what to do. At the very least, they can do healing on you first in order to loosen up those energy congestions, though a certain change in lifestyle will have to follow if you want to do the meditation regularly. Even better would be to attend a Basic Pranic Healing seminar so that you are given all the details.

That being said, if you would like to hear or experience the meditation, you may download a free audio stream at the US pranic healing website.

Meditate now...and change the world!

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