Monday, November 7, 2011

Another Celestial Treat: Asteroid 2005 YU55

Sometime last week, I read in one newspaper that Earth was going to have a close encounter with Asteroid 2005 YU55, or YU55 for short, on November 9, 2011. YU55 is an aircraft carrier-sized asteroid that is supposed to pass between the Earth and the Moon. The asteroid will be a bit closer to the Earth than the Moon, although it would not be visible to the naked eye, so those with telescopes should get them ready.

But as if the Comet Elenin brouhaha wasn't enough, I started learning more news about YU55 from alternative news websites (or you can call them conspiracy theory websites if you want). Apparently, according to one Intel Hub article the asteroid is actually supposed to hit the Earth with the impact zone just off the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. This is expected to cause a massive series of tsunamis that would mostly affect the western coasts of the Americas and the eastern coast of Japan.

They say this impact event is the reason FEMA, along with other US government agencies, have been conducting disaster and tsunami drills recently. Incidentally, the PacWave 11 tsunami warning and communication exercises are going to be conducted on November 9 and 10, 2011. Talk about coincidence.

However, there is another twist to the story because according to Robert Hoagland, YU55 will impact the Moon instead. Supposedly, friendly ETs diverted the trajectory of YU55 so that Earth would be spared, but the asteroid will hit the Moon in order to send a message to the shadow government that the friendly ETs are here and are starting to take a more active role.

NASA and all official media of course insist that there will be no impact event on the Earth nor the Moon, although expectedly, the official media line is being questioned.

It all sounds "out there" I know. In any case, November 9 is very close to the full moon so if the asteroid does strike the Moon, we should be seeing one heck of a show (assuming the skies are clear). Then again, there are also rumors that there will be a worldwide disruption of communications on November 9 in order to prevent people from collating all this information about any impact event.

However which way it actually turns out, we don't have long to wait, so let's see what there is to see.

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