Lunar eclipses are always a full moon and usually mark endings or culmination points. They bring up memories, dreams and emotions so they pack a big punch. Eclipse of the moon will center more on the prominent women in your life (e.g. mother, wife or female boss) although this is not always the case. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought by a normal new or full moon. An eclipse is like a new or full moon on steroids! Additionally, there is a Mercury retrograde from November 24 to December 14, 2011 so expect delays, confusion and misunderstandings. There is also an ongoing Jupiter retrograde that started in July and will run until December 27, 2011. Almost anything related to prosperity will be affected.
The above should be enough to get your mental gears turning as it pertains to your personal life. However, I'm more interested on what impact such cosmic forces may have on world events. After all, what applies to one person should apply to the bigger grouping of persons called humanity.
What we are seeing, in the days immediately before and following the lunar eclipse, is a confluence of three major astrological events: the lunar eclipse itself, the Mercury retrograde and the Jupiter retrograde. There are probably more cycles and influences that a more expert astrologer would be able to point out, but I think we've covered the basics.
As my friend pointed out, lunar eclipses herald endings, and the confusion brought about by the Mercury retrograde and the Jupiter retrograde will probably magnify such an influence. With the ongoing Euro crisis, such astrological events could possibly scuttle any efforts at reaching a solution. There are even some sources that warn that if the Euro falls, the US dollar will soon follow. If there is any "ending" that a lunar eclipse could influence, it could very well be that of the current financial system. At the very least, professional astrologers say that lunar eclipses generally don't bode well for financial markets.
The current tensions with Iran is a another situation that is vulnerable to the influence of the lunar eclipse and double retrogrades. Aside from the recent attack on the British embassy in Tehran and the subsequent expulsion of Iranian diplomats in Britain, it seems a secret war is already being waged in Iran, right under our very noses. Such maneuverings, no less deadly despite the clandestine nature of such actions, can easily spiral out of control into open warfare. If it does, that can only contribute further to global financial woes because the price of oil will definitely be affected.
According to one astrological article I've read, the effects of a lunar eclipse will last for a duration of one month for every hour of the eclipse, up to 6 months. I think the coming December 10 lunar eclipse will last for 6 hours, and if so, the next half-year could witness a host of interesting events.
But again, astrology isn't my forte so I'm not taking any bets about what may happen next. It still wouldn't hurt to be on the alert, though.
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