In terms of energetic health, "entanglement" usually refers to emotional entanglements that bind one to certain lines of behavior, especially when faced with a triggering event. An example would be phobias, like a flood survivor getting nervous every time it rains hard.
Anyone who believes in the Law of Attraction is aware of the adage that energy follows your thoughts. To a clairvoyant, a person extends many energetic tendrils that reach out to those things that the person is thinking about. If you passed by a bookstore on the way to meet a friend and saw a magazine cover that interested you, the clairvoyant would probably see a thin energetic thread extend from your aura to lightly touch upon the magazine. However, since you're more intent on meeting your friend on time, you would quickly forget about the magazine and the thin thread would easily be broken. If, on the other hand, you were thinking how pissed you are at your boss, the thread would be thicker and probably pulsating with every angry thought you sent out, and it's not something that would easily dissolve unless one had good self-control.
In general, the harder one thinks of something, the larger the energetic thread linked to one's object of thought, and the harder it is to break. Perhaps the phrase "following one's line of thought" originated from clairvoyant observation of such energetic cords. Normally, this isn't an issue. When one is very focused on a project, for example, one may not notice that it was already dinnertime, but a call from one's spouse or a friend to go get some dinner would be enough to "break" one's concentration.
The problem happens when there are emotional attachments that link in with one's thoughts. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, desire is emotional gunpowder. It has the power to materialize what you want quickly, but uncontrolled it can turn on you and burn you. Energetic elementals or parasites also feed on certain thoughts and emotions (e.g. anger entities and elementals) and these energetic entities tend to trigger the appropriate responses in order to get their "food." Hard as it may seem to think of oneself as an emotional vending machine, that's what happens when we let our emotions and desires spin out of control. Just ask anyone who is addicted to anything (food, cigarettes, gambling, etc.); the desire is almost overwhelming.
These cords are also two-way streets. Since the energies being used up in maintaining these cords (anger, greed, lust, etc.) are the same energies used to materialize things, then it stands to reason that negative cords will only set up or attract more negative situations that result in newer negative cords being created, perhaps with other people.
When the Lord Jesus said that even if one lusted after a woman in one's thoughts, one was already committing adultery, it was likely in reference to the energetic cords that one creates and can materialize given enough time and energy. "What you meditate on, you become," Master Choa often says in his books.
Even more important, these cords create karmic traces that can carry over into a future lifetime if one can't resolve them in this lifetime. This is the type of quantum entanglement that you do not want. If you've ever met someone for the first time yet felt an intense dislike for that person, it could be because there is a karmic cord that binds you to that person.
What to do then? Again, we come back to the same principles found in all religions, mainly that of non-attachment, forgiveness and mercy. Esoteric teachings the world over mention the need to master one's thoughts. Given how wayward thoughts can create a cascade of undesirable events, there is very good reason to nip these things in the bud.
If mastery of thoughts sounds quite intimidating and unreachable, remember that everything starts with a thought. The same process that creates negative entanglements is the same process you can use to liberate yourself. Be firm in your intention, and the rest will follow. It may not happen quickly, and you may not even finish within this lifetime, but we all need to start sometime, and that time may as well be now.
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