Friday, April 23, 2010

Everyday Sacred Geometry

One of the nice by-products of getting into pranic healing, especially once one reaches Arhatic Yoga practice, is that it opens the door to different esoteric topics and subjects. Majority of people are either not aware of these subjects or have been conditioned to reject them as unacceptable due to a myriad of reasons.

For pranic healers, the important thing to consider about these different topics is that while some of them were not explicitly discussed in the different courses, pranic healing covers enough material that it gives the student a sturdy foundation that one can use as a springboard to explore these different esoteric disciplines. By being exposed to this whole new vista of knowledge, there are graduates who come up with great new ideas or unique applications of these ancient teachings in a practical manner.

Right now I'd like to tackle a couple of items that were products of this particular creativity that I referred to earlier: the FOL-TOL sticker and the Golden Prana sticker. These stickers are products by Atma Creations, a company put up by one of the Arhatic Yoga practitioners in the Philippines in order to offer different homeopathic products such as soaps, essential oils, sprays, etc. Their Himalayan Salt Soap is a bestseller, by the way (but this is another topic).

What makes the stickers so special is that they use an ancient wisdom called sacred geometry in order to produce beneficial effects to those who use them. And the great thing is, one doesn't need to be versed in sacred geometry. Just post the stickers where needed, and they work accordingly. The design comes not only in sticker form but also in the form of coasters, keychains and more.

According to the handout given along with the FOL-TOL:

"The FOL-TOL stickers/keychains/coasters/trivets of Atma Creations have been enhanced using Pranic Healing techniques. The sticker can be placed on most physically clean and dry surfaces. The user can be creative in the use of the FOL-TOL. It can be used to cleanse, energize, and enhance the therapeutic properties of the substances in containers such as drinking glasses, pitchers, fruit bowls, and containers of the following: lotion, soap and cleansing sprays. It can also be put on faucets, refrigerators, stoves, wallets, door frames, cars, etc. If the sticker is to be placed on the body, discernment is advised, especially on length of time. The FOL-TOL is not meant to replace allopathic medicine or Pranic Healing. It is meant to complement these healing modalities."

So, what makes the FOL-TOL so special? The design is the Flower of Life (FOL) and superimposed over it is the kabbalistic Tree of Life (TOL). Each particular symbol already carries its own type of energy, but if you combine the two, then you get a potent symbol. There are other references that deal with the Flower of Life and Tree of Life, so I will not dwell on them here. But an excellent book would be Drunvalo Melchizedek's The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Vol. 1 & 2), so I highly recommend that. For the Tree of Life, Master Choa's book Spiritual Essence of Man discusses the Tree of Life extensively, and most books dealing with the kabbalah will touch on the Tree of Life at some point.

This is what the FOL-TOL sticker looks like:

Now I'd like to touch on the other item that I would like to discuss, which is the Golden Prana sticker. Basically, the design was made using the Golden Mean as a guide. According to Wikipedia, "In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to (=) the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887." But even more than that, in his book Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age, Gregg Braden writes that the Golden Mean has the frequency of love energy, therefore it has the power to effect tremendous changes. I suggest you read Gregg Braden's book for a more thorough discussion on this subject. His discussion of love energy gives new insight on the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Here's the Golden Prana sticker:

The Golden Prana sticker has properties similar to the FOL-TOL, but what is really amazing is what happens when you combine the two. A member of our study group discovered this.

Based on our experiments, the combination goes a long way in reducing EMF emissions on cellphones, microwave ovens and pretty much any device that emits harmful radiation. It's a great cost-effective way to reduce electro-magnetic smog in one's environment while promoting healing at the same time.

Here's what the two stickers look like when combined (the lower two stickers in the image are the plain Golden Prana stickers for comparison):

And one more thing, during Typhoon Ondoy, as the flood waters were rising I happened to put two FOL-TOL coasters in my pants pockets, one on the left and one on the right. I noticed that I didn't easily get tired and I never got too cold even though we spent the whole night on the roof of our neighbor's house in driving rain and wind.

These two particular designs have a lot of promise, so much so that a lot of other pranic healers are finding creative uses for them, and it's exciting how all these experiments are coming out. Another member of our study group went to the MCKS Arhatic Yoga Ashram in India last December and all the participants, who were of different nationalities, were quite taken with these stickers, particularly the Golden Prana one. Those who know how to scan or have clairvoyant ability can try to compare the energies of these designs.

At the moment, Atma Creations doesn't have an official website, but inquiries and orders can be placed by contacting +63 917 791-9761 (mobile) or +63 2 721-6729 (landline).

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