Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back

As the current year heads to a close (already?!), a lot of people are probably furiously writing down the latest batch of resolutions to greet the year ahead. Of course, are we going to write down a new set of resolutions or a rehash of the previous year's unaccomplished ones?

And yet despite whatever difficulties we may have faced, it's always important to maintain that sense of gratitude not only for the year that has passed, but also for the year that's coming. We're alive, at the very least, and that in itself is enough to be grateful for. In the esoteric sense, it means we're still here to accelerate whatever lessons need to be learned, so we have the chance to really progress faster.

A lot has changed for me, not just in comparison to the beginning of this year, but also looking back over many years. I used to be part of the daily grind of trying to work my ass off for culturally conditioned goals such as the career climb, more money in the bank, etc. But then I discovered pranic healing and my life went in a different direction.

I'm lucky in the sense that I have a job that is home-based and so I have more opportunities to pursue my true interests. And if the job does not give all that one may have been conditioned to expect by working (travel perks, a house, car allowances, etc.), it at least allows me to earn enough to pay the bills while still allowing me to do what I really want (esoteric studies), as long as I live modestly. Ideally, one's job should be there to support one's abilities and life interests, although realistically most people spend majority of their waking hours at their jobs.

By normal standards, my life can be said to be pretty boring. But from where I stand, I'm actually so excited about every day that comes. And I guess that's something that everyone has to assess every year. What do you really want to get out of life? Are you working to merely pay the bills, day after exhausted day, in the pursuit of some goal that you don't really relish once you get it? Are you frustrated at not being able to pursue your childhood dreams? I know of many people who wanted to be something else, like a painter or singer, but were discouraged because "there's no money in it" and so are forced to become dentists or call center agents.

But as year passes year, are you really where you want to be, and more importantly, are you on your way to it? The answer is as varied as the number of people on the planet, and each life plan works its way out differently, but it's a question that can't be ignored and one must always keep this in mind. Life gives us hard choices, and circumstances may derail us, but just be honest with your inner self, and perhaps this new year will bring you a renewed sense of purpose...and hope.

And so I end with this blessing: May you all be blessed with waves of Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power, so that you and your family may properly and rapidly achieve and accomplish your true purpose in life. May this be a life filled with joy, prosperity, good health, happiness, accomplishment and spirituality. With full faith, so be it!

Happy New Year to all!

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