Water is really a wonderful substance. About 70% of the Earth's surface is comprised of water in liquid, solid or gaseous form, making water the most abundant compound on our planet's surface. Water is also known as the universal solvent, because most solids dissolve in water. This is why even with the advent of hand disinfectants, nothing beats washing one's hands in order to feel clean.
While water is the fuel of life, it's potable water that humans and most animals need. We take potable water for granted in the cities, but in disaster-stricken areas and other places that are experiencing a humanitarian crisis, potable water is one other item that people would kill for. Knowing how to filter water or having the tools to produce potable water can mean all the difference in a survival scenario.
Aside from the various physical uses of water, there is an esoteric component as well. Water has that special quality of absorbing and storing energy, much like what crystals can do. Notice that areas of supernatural activity (ghostly apparitions, white ladies, etc.) seem to center around water concentrations in the house such as the bathroom, water tank and kitchen. This is why in pranic healing, a healer would "throw" dirty energy into a basin filled with water and salt. The water absorbs the diseased energy to keep it in place, while salt has disintegrating properties in order to break down the diseased energy to a certain degree. This is also why taking a dip in the ocean can be so healing and refreshing, although in most beaches today the ocean itself can be quite polluted. The simple act of taking a bath, though, can already be refreshing enough. Don't you feel perked up after taking a shower or after a long, luxurious soak in the tub?
Here's a tip for those who want to get the most out of taking a bath. If you use a bathtub, mix in a handful of salt and a few drops of lavender essential oil. For those who use pails, just mix in the salt and lavender oil in the pail. If you usually take the shower, before your final rinse, rub soft salt on your whole body (rock salt may irritate the skin) then dilute the lavender oil in a pitcher of water and rub the water on your body. Afterwards, rinse it all off. It's refreshing and energetically it removes more dirty energy than normal bathing would. Ideally, you would want to use sea salt, although the salt sold in supermarkets would be cheaper and can be good enough for most people.
This energy absorbent quality of water is probably one other reason why it is considered bad feng shui to have a stagnant body of water in the house, or for a house to be situated near a dead creek. Aside from unsanitary conditions and dengue concerns, stagnant water keeps absorbing negative energies without carrying these energies away, so the negative energies accumulate and eventually spill over into the area. Like attracts like, so one can expect the whole area to have a negative vibe.
Flowing water, on the other hand, not only carries negative energy away but also brings fresh energy into an area, especially the closer to the mountain or other water sources one is. Of course, if one lives in a heavily urbanized area, even flowing water can be so polluted that areas near the creek or river can already be considered as etherically contaminated. For most people, they have only Mother Nature's bounty of rain in order to refresh the land. A lot of humans are sorely taxing Mother Earth's ability to keep the oceans alive. We should seriously do something about this or this will come back to haunt us sooner or later.
Because of the esoteric properties of water, blessed or holy water is part and parcel of almost any religion. Water forms an important part of every initiation and ceremony, but you don't need to be so formal in taking advantage of water in your personal life. You can actually program water to carry energies of good health, prosperity and other blessings. Every time you drink programmed or magnetized water, you can keep on absorbing these blessings to achieve a specific goal or objective. Remember, our physical bodies are made up of 75% water. In Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics, there is actually an exercise whereby one blesses water (and food) in order to achieve certain goals.
Take note that as you can bless water, the opposite also holds true. This is why it's important to have a cook who is not so negative. Even food can absorb energy, and since we use water in cooking, even more energy, whether good or bad, can be absorbed. Haven't you noticed that sometimes the food tastes somewhat off, especially when there is fighting or tension in the house or kitchen? On the other hand, we've heard a lot of people say that there's nothing like the food that Mommy cooks. A mother, generally, only feels love and caring for her family and that tends to carry over into the food.
Masaru Emoto's research on the effect positive and negative thoughts and emotions have on water, particularly through his book Messages from Water, should already give us an idea of how much what we think and feel influences water. Since we are surrounded by it, and our bodies are literally swimming in it, our thoughts and feelings do matter. As we become more aware of this abundant, yet precious, substance let's keep using it wisely not only for ourselves but in order to promote the greatest good.
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