Friday, July 27, 2012


If two tuning forks are of the same musical scale, if you ring one then its partner will also vibrate even if it's located at the other end of the room. The concept of resonance goes a step further with quantum entanglement, whereby a change in one object will produce a corresponding change in the other, even if they are located on opposite ends of the universe.

Resonance plays an important role in one's spiritual development. After all, the goal of spiritual practice is to produce a corresponding positive change in consciousness that leads to one's spiritual evolution. Without that change, then all the knowledge acquired is not really knowledge at all but merely information, the same way that you can give a baby the blueprints for a 747 jet although the baby won't know what to do with it.

But just what is resonance as applied to spiritual practice? There are many spiritual techniques and systems, and all of them require dedication and perseverance in order to practice for any length of time. While spiritual practice is not a frivolous endeavor, we should at least enjoy what we are doing if we are to stick with it. Be happy in the fact that in this day and age we have so many systems and traditions to choose from, because at least one of them is suited for you.

Resonance is more than just choosing a system and sticking with it. We all have unique paths to follow in the course of our spiritual evolution. Just as someone who wants to be a dentist won't put too much focus on Math, Accounting or Interior Design, the particular spiritual practice you choose can either help or hinder you in your lifelong quest.

I remember the case of an acquaintance I had in college. He was really smart and had a DOST scholarship for Physics. However, his problem was that he had low grades in Math. Give him a physics problem and he had no trouble at all with the computations. But for some reason if it was a pure Math problem, he had great difficulty with it. Unfortunately, this resulted in him losing the scholarship. But this case highlights the different nuances of how we take to certain topics and skills.

The Light has many ways of expressing itself. One may be called upon to be a healer, a seer, a medium, a magician, a spiritual teacher, a clairvoyant or a life coach, among others. There are gifted people who are at least one of the previously mentioned, but not everyone can be everything at the same time. Also, having the gift is one thing, but developing the gift to the extent that you can consistently, safely and reliably use it is another thing entirely.

Often, the tricky part is determining where to put your focus, but the process of discovery is part of the lesson itself. In any case, you will feel if you are on the right path. When you resonate with a teaching, your soul itself will respond in a manner that can simply be called enlightening.

Sometimes, you need to be on a particular path for only a short period of time before you need to move on to something else. I remember the story Drunvalo Melchizedek related in his book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. His guides told him to go to a certain person. For the next few days, he did nothing but just sit around the person's living room for most of the day. Finally, Drunvalo approached the person to ask what he was supposed to teach, but when he tapped the person's shoulder an electric jolt sent Drunvalo crashing to the floor. Drunvalo's guides then told him that what was supposed to happen had just happened, so he was now supposed to move on to the next teacher.

Drunvalo's story just goes to show that while events may seem inexplicable to us, it all follows a grand design. If we are sensitive to our guides, we can more easily clue in to what we are supposed to do. Never feel guilty for following a certain path, no matter how simple it is. Dogma also has nothing to do with it. As long as you are following the urgings of your soul (which should mean you are not hurting anyone or violating anyone's rights), the path is the right one for you.

Just a caution, though. If you are experiencing difficulty in your practice, don't immediately jump to the conclusion that you may not be resonating with the technique or system. The difficulty could just be a natural phase that we all go through when learning a new skill or adjusting to something totally different. It can also be the result of wrong execution of technique (which a teacher should be able to correct).

On the whole, we attract what we desire most, and even unconscious desires will set this esoteric law into motion. Whatever the case, everything we encounter no matter how inexplicable, painful or negative is a piece of the grand mosaic of our life, a mosaic that we build with every thought, feeling, word and deed. Whether we see the mosaic for what it is depends on how well we have attuned ourselves to the urgings of our soul. Like in quantum entanglement, we should achieve such a resonance with our soul that its very whisper expresses itself clearly in our minds and in our life.

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