Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where Is The Love?

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I'm sure a lot of us are still riding high on the euphoria of celebrating a day of (romantic) love. Then today I came upon a video featuring David Icke that provides a stark contrast to the mushiness of Valentine's Day. Here is the video:

I don't follow David Icke all that much. I've read one of his books and seen a few of his videos, but for me, the above video is perhaps one of the most powerful presentations of his that I have watched.

Admittedly, David Icke and his theories wouldn't come over well among the mainstream crowd. And his focus on the alien / Reptilian / Illuminati agenda that seeks to enslave the world will probably have a lot of your regular friends thinking that you've gone off the deep end.

In this particular video, David Icke talks about how our current lifestyle (pressures of attaining achievements and the heavy emphasis on entertainment) blind most of us to what is happening in the world and how humanity is intentionally being dumbed down. He also talks about how money is being created from thin air. Interestingly, the contents of the presentation mirror what William Bramley has to say in his book Gods of Eden. The ending song Where is the love by Black Eyed Peas nicely punctuates the message of David Icke.

Regardless of one's belief or disbelief in the existence of aliens, it is hard to ignore what David Icke is saying. We nitpick about why so-and-so should have been American Idol. We practically make a party everytime we watch the basketball playoffs. We get pissed off at missing an episode from our favorite show. Yet only few remember that the 2003 Iraq invasion was founded on a lie (they said there were WMDs, but no WMDs were ever found). Most people buy the media stories that Iran is a "terror threat" and should be stopped, without linking the chain of events that has bred chaos in several nations in the Middle East. Most people are not even aware of the implications of the current Euro crisis and what it could mean for the world's economies.

Not to say that entertainment is bad or that we should not try to achieve something, but everything is set up so that a large percentage of our time and focus is directed at this very narrow band of reality, and it blinds us from everything else that is happening around, especially events that don't receive much media attention. It's all built up to pander to our self-centeredness. The video really does make one think about one's priorities.

In the end, it is all up to the choices we make. We should always strive to live a good, comfortable and enjoyable life, but hopefully not to the exclusion of everyone's right to pursue that same type of life. I think it's the height of irony to kick back and say that since everything is good in our life then everything must be good in the world, while children are dying of famine in Somalia. It's all about balance. The key then is to always look beyond ourselves, to be compassionate and always think how good it would be if other people enjoyed the same success we are having.

We may not be able to change the world, but by golly, we can certainly mean the world to others if we really tried.

1 comment:

  1. we are the choices we make - The bridges of madison county ( my V day mush movie of choice). I reminds me that I do have the choice. What i do today will affect tomorrow. Awareness of this, aids in making our lives the way we want it to be. Hopefully we choose well :D
