Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Gods of Eden

A while back I read this interesting book called The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. It came out in 1989 and while not exactly the "Bible of UFOlogy" it is certainly highly regarded by some of the more prominent names in the field of UFO investigations. The author was even interviewed a few times in History Channel's Ancient Aliens Season 2.

The material is methodical and well-researched, and the author also takes the time to answer the questions of those who do not believe in the existence of UFOs and extraterrestials. While exhaustive, the author does admit that he had to limit his research to certain lines and so he wasn't able to touch upon other topics within the vast field of UFOlogy, such as inner earth. Because of this, there could be certain errors in his conclusions but he leaves the door open for future researchers to explore these other avenues further.

However, just like with any piece of work, especially something that deals with a topic like this, the reader should be open-minded but discerning because to just totally accept all the conclusions stated in the book can lead to much confusion.

With that, let me just summarize what the book is about.

The basic assumption of the book is that the human race was genetically engineered as a slave race in order to more efficiently exploit the resources of Earth. We have heard this story from Zechariah Sitchin and his writings about the Annunaki. William Bramley however prefers to use the generic term "Custodians" because ownership of Earth may have changed over the last few thousand years.

Prior to the creation of the human race, the Custodians created another slave race but it didn't work out as expected because the race was too dumb and clumsy. Therefore, they created another race by combining Custodian genetic seed and primitive homo sapiens, producing modern man or homo sapiens sapiens. Thus physically, modern man resembles the Custodial body quite closely (remember the Bible passage, "Let us create them in our image..."). This sudden (in evolutionary terms) jump in evolution is supposedly the "missing link" between primitive humans and modern humans.

However, in order to properly animate these bodies, actual spirits were needed to inhabit them. The prior slave race had no souls that's why they were just like dumb biological robots that the Custodians couldn't make use of. The author doesn't bother to speculate how the spirits were "trapped" into these human bodies or how the Custodians were able to convince these spirits to inhabit these bodies in the first place. The important thing is that they were able to do it.

Majority of these Custodial masters treated their slaves quite harshly. A minority were compassionate and humane. The problem was, because the newly inhabited human bodies were controlled by spirits who came from the Divine, these human slaves eventually became rebellious of their harsh masters, leading to efforts by the Custodians to wipe out the human race.

This is where stories of the Great Flood come out and other attempted genocides. The reason humans survived is because of forewarning by the compassionate Custodians (like in the Noah's ark story).

Of particular importance is the Garden of Eden story, which is full of symbols and allegory. We all know the story, so I'll jump straight to the point. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, it meant that humans were taught techniques by which they could reclaim their divine right, which the Custodial masters didn't want hence they cast Adam and Eve out before they could eat of the fruit of the tree of life, i.e. before humans could learn how to return to their spiritual home (everlasting life).

The "snake" in the story is commonly attributed to the kundalini, which leads to spiritual illumination and liberation, but the author states it also stands for the one who taught the humans these spiritual techniques in the first place, Prince Ea (per Zechariah Sitchin, one of the head Annunaki) whose symbol was the snake. It seems Prince Ea put up the Brotherhood of the Snake, which is probably the first Mystery School of Earth, to secretly teach humans the way to spiritual liberation.

However, it appears that the Brotherhood was eventually found out and defeated and its teachings corrupted. The truth was still there, but with "fatal twists" that would either make the techniques not work or prevent the techniques from working as expected, thus keeping humans in bondage. The spritual teachings were also couched in heavy symbolism that was almost indecipherable. It's like your computer having 10GB of RAM but someone only installs 32-bit Windows 7 on it (instead of 64-bit), so you're not able to utilize the whole RAM potential of your computer. Everything still works but it's still not the full potential because you don't have the complete, or rather the correct, package.

So the objective is to keep people in bondage to material existence, and hopefully permanently merge the spirit into bodily/physical existence. Anything that keeps the consciousness in the material and diverts attention away from the spiritual is being done by the Custodians in the form of the corrupted Brotherhood.

Going back to the Garden of Eden story, that's why the snake was vilified and why it mentions that man will have to toil in the physical from birth to death, again to make physical survival such a chore and a drain on time and energy that all our consciousness gets anchored into physical survival and a materialist outlook.

So from the recorded history of the human race, there were major efforts to keep man in the physical consciousness. Wars, religions that pitted one against the other, modern money, the emphasis on too much work, chemicals to affect our pineal gland, etc, etc. All are variations of the same basic theme and objective. If it seems like the way the modern world is set up is keeping people too busy, too sick and too dumbed down to bother with anything else except to pay the bills, to pay for doctors and medicines, and to entertain one after a stressful day at work, it's because it's all being orchestrated to keep us that way.

At the same time, throughout history there have been efforts to interject the true spiritual teachings that would liberate man, such as the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha. So it seems there are still those minority Custodians (according to the author) who are working for the liberation of man. However, again the corrupted Brotherhood infiltrated and corrupted the teachings until the early Christian Church became the Catholic Church with its dogmas and Buddhism devolved into a religion rather than the way of life it was meant to be.

Given this tendency towards corruption of spiritual teachings, it's even more important to practice discernment. It's even more priceless if one encounters a Teacher who can lift the veils of deception and transmit the Teachings as accurately as possible. The real meaning of the word guru is "dispeller of darkness" and nowhere is that more true than with the spiritual teachings, in light of the "fatal twists" that are all around.

Another insight I got from reading the book is that when we say we are striving towards the "liberation from the wheel of death and rebirth," when taken in context of the Custodians trying to permanently trap the spirit into physical existence, perhaps that wheel or cycle of rebirth is the trap that they originally set and that is what we are being taught to escape from. The form of the trap is desire (in Buddhism, grasping and aversion), imprinted in our subconscious minds and our astral bodies, which many esoteric teachings say prevent us from achieving liberation. This desire is constantly being reprogrammed into us by false philosophies, extremist views, hatreds, television, propaganda and so on.

There is another important thing related to the above. I've always wondered why when we are reborn, our memories of past lives are wiped away (at least among the majority of us)? How are we supposed to redress past wrongs or understand our current challenges if we are not aware why they are there in the first place? The most common explanation I've read is that it is not to unduly burden our efforts in the present life and so that we may learn the exercise of our free will (for example, if one was previously a king but in this life was now a beggar, one might be too overcome with the memory of kingship to effectively work out this life as a beggar, or the person might even become arrogant to other beggars).

However, in the chapter discussing Mormonism, there is an explanation there that sheds more light to the above memory wipe upon rebirth. For that I will quote directly from the book:

"Mormonism teaches that everyone lived with the Heavenly Father (God) before coming to Earth. As part of God’s grand plan, people are sent to Earth in order to learn right from wrong, and to demonstrate to God that they prefer doing good over evil. However, something is done to all spiritual beings who are sent to Earth: they are induced with amnesia about their prebirth existences. According to a pamphlet published by the Mormon Church:

. . . though we might sometimes sense intimations of our premortal existence [spiritual existence before taking on a body] as “through a glass darkly” [vaguely], it would be effectively blocked from our memory.

This is a remarkable claim, for it suggests that memory of pure spiritual existence is in some way deliberately blocked from human memories by the Custodial society as part of its effort to weld spiritual beings to human bodies. The Custodial society does seem to have effective methods for occluding memory, as demonstrated in modern UFO abduction cases where human victims are apparently caused to suffer almost complete amnesia regarding their abduction experiences.

The forced amnesia described in Mormon had several purported purposes, one of which was:

. . . to ensure that our choice of good or evil would reflect our earthly desires and will, rather than the remembered influence of our All-Good Heavenly Father.

This is also an astonishing admission. It alleges that spiritual memory is dimmed so that people will base their actions on their concerns as material beings rather than upon their knowledge and remembrance of spiritual existence. This can only hamper the ability of individuals to attain a high level of ethics because true ethics must ultimately take into account a person’s spiritual nature when confronted with an ethical dilemma.

By reducing all questions of ethics to strictly earthly concerns, people are prevented from fully resolving those ethical questions that will start them on the road to full spiritual recovery."

Anyway, in the end, one question I kept asking was why the Custodians even bothered. Although still "enslaved" to a physical existence, we aren't directly giving them anything (that we know of) in terms of resources. So why is there still that effort to keep us fettered here? Perhaps the experiment is still on-going, namely the drive to permanently fuse spirit into physical existence. Our daily life is part of that grand experiment that has being going on for millennia.

It seems that the author views all extraterrestial races as hostile to humanity, except for a minority of compassionate individual aliens. I don't know about that, although I'm sure those who follow the channeled messages of the Pleiadians and similar ET races would object. But what I am sure of is that I'm thankful I was able to get on the spiritual path with as little "fatal twists" as possible.

But whatever one's belief, The Gods of Eden is still a very informative book to read. I'll try to discuss some of the other interesting chapters of that book in another article, but I highly encourage people to read it themselves if they can.

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