Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Angelic Human

Yesterday I came across a YouTube video about angelic humans. I liked the overall message and it has a soothing background music as well. You can watch the video here:

The concept of the angelic human being referred to here is more than just a person with angelic attributes, but someone whose soul is literally angelic and who incarnated in this plane for a specific purpose.

This is an interesting addition to the topic of angelic versus human evolution. There are several different points of view here. For instance, in Theosophy at the pinnacle of one's evolution as a human (meaning, once one has learned all that one can as a human), one has several paths to choose from to further one's evolution, and one of these choices is the path of the deva or angel. Therefore some devas used to be human souls, although the path of the deva is considered a totally different line of evolution. Nature spirits are said to follow the deva evolution.

Although in the Bible it seems that angels are totally different from humans, it is implied that humans can also become angels. For instance, Enoch (from the Book of Enoch) is said to have become the Archangel Metatron.

Since angels are on a completely different evolutionary path and so far it seems that it is humans who evolve into angels and not the other way around, I'm not sure about the concept of angels incarnating as humans, since they require totally different realms of experience.

But whether one is an angel soul or human soul, it doesn't change the fact that we should always be aware of and access the divine within us. It's a more fancy way of saying "be a good person" but that's what it always boils down to.

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