Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: More Than Meets the Eye?

Although the Occupy Wall Street Movement hasn't received much media attention here in the Philippines, you may have encountered some news about it on the Internet and on social media sites like Facebook. It sounds straightforward enough, a group of people have gotten fed up with the way the American financial system is set up and so stage a protest against the institution that most blatantly represents the flawed system: Wall Street.

Far from being a flash in the pan, the generally peaceful protest has lasted for several weeks now and has kept attracting people to join in. A further sign of just how fed up people are, similar movements have sprung up in other cities in different states. Only time will tell how far this will go, although one protester said that they were in this for the "long run."

The things that the Movement are objecting against are reasonable and noble enough. After all, who wants to keep putting up with corporate greed and irresponsibility and live with the results? We could even take it as a sign that the American people are finally "waking up" to what's wrong in their country. So then, why is there a question attached on the second part of this article's title?

I put the Transformers tagline with the title because of a disturbing video I saw yesterday. I suggest you also watch the video first before continuing with the article:

In case you haven't watched the video, it shows a meeting of the Occupy Wall Street Movement somewhere in Atlanta, and the way they were talking it was like the crowd was totally brainwashed. An article in the Natural News website expounds more on the happenings of that meeting.

My point is this, just because we don't like the way things are doesn't mean that we should blindly jump at whatever opposes the status quo. In my previous article about The Gods of Eden, the author William Bramley discusses that throughout human history, conflicts have been engineered, backed up with conflicting ideologies in order to keep humanity divided and too busy fighting to focus on spiritual liberation.

More often than not, there is evidence of a hidden player working behind the scenes that supports both opposing ideologies in order to keep the conflict alive (e.g. the same set of bankers funding both sides in the Napoleonic Wars, the two World Wars and the more recent Communism vs. Democracy Cold War). The point being, if you take sides you still fall into the trap set by this third player. Supposedly, this third party is comprised of extraterrestial races that are against humanity's development.

If you take a closer look at the Occupy Wall Street Movement, we should take care that one system is not being replaced for another, equally oppressive, system (in this case, one that promotes unthinking obedience towards a leader or group of leaders). Of course, the video and article above only featured Atlanta so I'm not sure if that was just a freak occurrence or if it's systemic across all branches of the Movement.

Nevertheless, it's still a message to always be on guard for any new ideology or movement that springs up, no matter how noble or logical the seeming goal is. And this holds true even if one doesn't believe in the existence of a shadow group influencing events behind the scenes.

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