Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Three's A Company

Last year, one of my friends introduced me to the concept of triple numbers through Drunvalo Melchizedek's book The Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012. According to Drunvalo, triple numbers have a special meaning that pertains to the particular thought you had at the time you encounter the numbers.

The following is a list of the triple numbers and their meanings, from pages 88-89 of the said book:

111 - Energy Flow: Any energy flow such as electricity,money,water, sexual energy, etc.
222 - New Cycle: The beginning of a new cycle, the nature of which depends on the next triple number you see.
333 - Decision: You have a decision to make. The decision will lead to either 666, which means you must repeat the lesson again in some other way, or it will lead to 999, which is completion and you have learned the lesson.
444 - The Mystery School: What is occurring in life is a lesson around learning about the Reality. This school is learning, such as reading books or studying a subject, but not actual doing.
555 - Unity Consciousness: This is the number when someone has attained Unity Consciousness. They have mastered all levels of the Mystery School. It is the highest number. It is the number of Christ.
666 - Earth Consciousness: This is the number of the Beast in the Bible, so it can represent pure evil, but it is also the number of mankind and life. Carbon is the basis of life, and carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Generally, when you see this number, it means to watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment, and you must be careful.
777 - The Mystery School: This is the part of the school where you are not just reading books about life, but are also practicing it.
888 - Completion of a particular lesson within the Mystery School.
999 - Completion of a particular cycle of events.
000 - Has no value.

While it may be hard to imagine how a series of numbers can have any bearing on what is happening to you, ever since I learned about the triple numbers I've tried to take note of my thoughts everytime I saw a triple number and then observed subsequent events, and there is certainly something to it.

For instance, just recently I saw a friend post something in Facebook, so I was browsing other pages while thinking about her post and then saw the triple 6 in the screen. Since the triple 6 means to "watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment" I decided to see what would happen next. About 10 minutes later, my friend called and it was about that particular post in Facebook! Considering I hadn't had the chance to talk to my friend since early this year, this is something extraordinary indeed.

I usually see the triple numbers in the plate numbers of cars and the interesting thing is that I don't see them when I'm looking for them, but they usually turn up at the most unexpected moments. Certainly, it has made me more aware of my thoughts, which is a good thing in and of itself, since runaway thoughts sometimes get us into trouble.

One thing to watch out for is if you get too focused on the numbers to the point that you almost become paranoid about seeing them or tend to agonize over what they could mean for you. For me, I take it as a "live and let live" situation with the numbers simply pointing to something interesting about my life.

Of course, one would wonder if the very act of assigning meaning to the numbers and thinking about them attracts the very circumstances that one was thinking about. That's certainly a valid point, although I still think there is something more to it.

The sages of old treated the concept of triplicity with special meaning. We see it in the Trinity, Three Aspects of God, and so on. According to Albert Schutz in Call Adonoi, the number three represents powers that are supreme in the universe, regulating life and growth, fruition and decay, basically ruling all existence from beginning to end. The kabbalists refer to these forces as the "Three Mothers."

Seeing the triple numbers in this light, we get a glimpse of why they seemingly tap into the fundament of our thoughts and give hints about the direction those thoughts are leading us to.

Now that's something to think (pun intended) about.

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