Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Can Do Something


Volcanic Eruptions
Storm Surges
Any natural or man made calamity


Introducing the Meditation on Twin Hearts:
A meditation for peace and illumination.

As you bless the Earth you change your destiny in small ways; as you change your destiny, you affect other peoples' destinies around you; as you affect the destinies of people around you, they affect the destinies of other people around them. Eventually your nation, humanity's destiny is affected and changed for the better in small increments.

The more people you invite to meditate with you, the more the collective destinies of your people will change.

Change the destiny of your country, change the destiny of humanity, change the destiny of the Earth. Together let us work to manifest Heaven on Earth!

And even if you were skeptical about how your thoughts could affect the environment, a few minutes of meditation is still better than a few minutes of hearing gossip and intrigues, so there is nothing to lose by trying this.


Simple Version:

Do a simple set of exercises like jumping jacks and stretches or any exercise you prefer, just make sure you move/stretch every part of your body including the eyes (you can exercise the eyes using eye rotations, clockwise and counter-clockwise).

1. Invoke for Divine Blessings.

2. Connect the tip of your tongue to your palate.

3. Be aware of your heart center, and visualize the Earth in front of you the size of a small ball.

4. While maintaining awareness of your heart center, raise your hands to chest level with palms facing the visualized Earth. You may use any prayer to bless the Earth or use a part of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

Try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.

5. Next be aware of your crown center (the top of your head) and continue blessing the Earth. You can say the following prayer if you want:

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.
Let the entire earth be blessed with
goodwill and the will to do good.

Again, try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.

6. Now be aware of your heart and crown centers simultaneously while blessing the Earth. As before, you may say your own prayer or use the following:

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, every being
be blessed with divine love and kindness
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness,
Caringness and tenderness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With inner healing, inner beauty,
divine bliss and, divine oneness.

7. Rest your hands on your lap and imagine a brilliant light on top of your head. While maintaining the imagination, silently chant the mantra OM several times and also be aware of the silence between the OMs.

After silently chanting the OMs, just be aware of the stillness, relax and let go for a few minutes. Just allow yourself to immerse in the bliss and stillness of the moment.

8. Gently return your awareness to your body and then release the excess energy by blessing the Mother Earth again.

You can also bless your family, your work, your projects, anyone you are in conflict with. There are many amazing stories of reconciliation and success by people who have done this.

9. Now root yourself to the Earth by imagining streams of light extending from your feet and the base of your spine to about 6 to 10 feet below the ground and continue blessing the Earth. At the end you can say, "I am connected and rooted to Mother Earth."

This is important to avoid having a detached, spacey feeling afterwards.

10. Give thanks to God for all the blessings.

Do another set of simple exercises, shaking and stretches to work out the kinks in your body. Remember to also exercise your eyes.

Important note: If you feel any discomfort or pain during the meditation, simply stop the meditation.

The above steps may seem long, but if you customize the prayers and go through the meditation at your own pace, it can only take a few minutes. You can buy the guided meditation CD through the Pranic Healing Foundation of the Philippines (http://pranichealing.com.ph) or the nearest pranic healing center in your area.

For a detailed discussion on the Meditation on Twin Hearts, visit http://meditationontwinhearts.tel/

The point is, you need not helplessly watch on television while the world changes around us. You can do something from where you are right now.

(Props to Nonoy for the first half of the article.)

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