Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pranic Healing: The Start of a Journey

Even as a kid, I was already fascinated by the sci-fi and fantasy genre. From hurtling through space exploring new planets, to fireballs and other spells casted by wizards, these vivid images were part and parcel of my imagination. Of course, they only remained as images in my mind since we've always been taught that the only reality out there is the one that comes from material science.

I wasn't totally taken in by materiality since I believed in (and had some experience with) paranormal phenomena.  And of course, being raised a Catholic, we were taught about God, angels and devils. But I thought that was the extent of the unseen world and our interaction with it.

Being introduced to pranic healing changed all that. I found out about pranic healing around late 2007 through my wife. We attended a few free healing sessions, but I was skeptical at first and eventually stopped going. As fate would have it, around June of 2008 a close college friend of my elder sister dropped by the house. She's a doctor based in the province, but had just come from abroad and since she was in Metro Manila anyway, wanted to touch base again with my sister.

It turns out that not only was she a pranic healer, she was an Arhatic Yoga practitioner as well. It was she who finally convinced us to take that first step of attending the Basic Seminar, and the rest is history. For those unfamiliar with pranic healing, it is an energy-based healing system introduced by Master Choa Kok Sui. Although some Sanskrit terms are used (e.g. the word "prana"), it is not a religion nor does it lean towards any particular denomination or sect.

Pranic healing helped me expand my consciousness by making me realize that there is more to the inner world than the picture painted by popular belief. It seemed to awaken a hunger in me for more knowledge, a yearning I always had but never fully confronted before. But more than making me appreciate the gift of becoming a healer, what struck me most about pranic healing was the focus on character building. Perhaps this is why people from many walks of life, including many Catholic nuns and priests, are magnetized by pranic healing. It is common to hear people say that pranic healing has enhanced their spirituality and made them a better practitioner of their religion (whether it be Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.).

I can attest the same thing from personal experience. Pranic healing has changed the way I deal with others and with how I view myself. Not only that, I am really thankful for the opportunity to help others through healing. Although I never physically met Master Choa (he passed away on March 2007), I'm very thankful for the opportunity he gave people like me to grow and to learn more about myself.

More information about pranic healing can be found in the www.pranichealing.com and www.pranichealing.com.ph websites.

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