Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Solfeggio Ascension Frequencies (Solfeggio tones)

I was recently introduced to the Solfeggio tones via the Friday discussion group composed of a couple of pranic healers. I'll give a brief overview of the Solfeggio tones and my experience with them, but if you want more detailed information, you can visit the Solfeggio tones website where you can also download a free copy of the tones. But first check out the precaution I'll mention towards the latter part of this article.

The premise of the tones is that certain sound frequencies resonate with the body and its auras, thereby producing balancing and healing effects that facilitate one's eventual ascension. Curiously, in the Thiaoouba Prophecy, they also talk about both the positive and negative effects of sounds on the human aura, but I digress.

According to wikipedia, solfeggio "is a pedagogical solmization technique for the teaching of sight-singing in which each note of the score is sung to a special syllable." Going beyond the technical terms, it's a way to teach how to read and sing the different notes on the musical scale.

The Solfeggio tones were supposedly found in Gregorian chants, particularly the hymn to St. John the Baptist, but these tones were "lost" as time went on but were recently rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. But there are suggestions that their roots go back further to Arab musical origins, and if so, makes it one of the Islamic contributions to medieval Europe.

The first time I heard these tones, I immediately felt thirsty. Then when our hostess turned up the volume, the hairs on my arms would stand in rhythm with the tones. Then over the course of dinner, I had to make three trips to the toilet. Presumably, these are all signs that my body was adjusting itself though luckily I didn't experience any of the after effects mentioned in the website such as headaches or nausea. Based on my experience, it seems there really is something to the tones, at least when it comes to detoxification.

A few days after I first started listening to the tones, I still got thirsty when listening to the tones and tended to move my bowels more, though not as dramatically as that first time.  If nothing else, the detoxification alone is already good. One of the people I was with mentioned that her daughter lost 7 pounds in one night after listening to the tones. I guess the effects vary depending on the individual.

Much later, one of our pranic healing teachers, who is clairvoyant, was asked to listen to the tones and observe the effects. She noticed that when the tones started playing, diseased energy from the people in the room were really getting expelled from their bodies. However, with that much dirty energy coming out, it was like a huge cloud of dirty exhaust from an old car trapped in an enclosed garage; it can contaminate others in the room. Imagine if a cancer patient started listening to the tones. You don't throw your trash on the floor for others to accidentally step on, and the same principles apply in this case. You need to clean up as you go. 

The Solfeggio Tones website doesn't mention this, but it's just simple etheric hygiene, that's why I feel compelled to mention the following: play a healing and purifying sound at the same time you listen to the tones to help clean up one's expelled energy.  Based on clairvoyant observation by our teacher, the OM sound is an example of a healing and purifying sound that complements the Solfeggio Tones. There are other techniques that pranic healers can make use of to make the most out of listening to the tones. But if you're not a pranic healer, after listening to the tones and the OM, take a bath or shower, and preferrably mix salt into the water to wash yourself with (adding lavander oil to the mix is also good). If you want to learn other techniques, I suggest that you attend even the Basic pranic healing seminar, then you can do self-healing on yourself as you play the tones and the purifying sound.

For those interested in trying out the tones, just be sensitive about your current health condition and take note of the precautions above.  Also, if applicable,  consult your doctor as it may produce other unanticipated effects.

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