Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Become a Lawyer!

No, I'm not referring to the type where you need to pass the bar exams to become one, but rather the one where you become a spiritual lawyer! Before I go on, I'm not referring to church dogma, either. A theologian or canon lawyer is not necessarily a spiritual lawyer.

Life is governed by a set of spiritual laws just as surely as Nature is governed by a set of physical laws, such as the law of gravity. Actually, the term "spiritual" law is a misnomer, because they are also natural laws, meaning they are part of Nature. It's simply the way things are.

Let's take a step back first. Why is it important to be knowledgeable of the law? If you're referring to the law within a certain country, it's obvious that you need to have a rudimentary knowledge of it so that you don't get in trouble with the authorities. For the engineer, there is no way he can design an aircraft, for example, without knowledge of certain fundamental scientific laws, such as how lift is generated by Bernoulli's principle and Newton's Third Law (for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction), so that the wing should push air down, in order that the opposite action will then push the wing up, creating lift.

If then a basic understanding of laws, whether legal or scientific, is necessary to accomplish important things in life, then it is amazing how many people ignore or are unaware of the natural laws that govern the very fabric of life itself. As Franz Bardon says, the universe is a very legal universe. So a basic knowledge of its workings goes a long way to allowing us to manage our lives well and ensure our development.

Unfortunately, the disillusionment of many people with organized religion has driven many to disavow anything of the spiritual, thus throwing out the baby along with the bath water, so to speak. The sacred scriptures contain a lot of valuable esoteric knowledge, if one but had the key to deciphering them. Unfortunately, within the ranks of organized religion, the knowledge has mostly been lost and dogma has taken its place.

Okay, you may say, this is all very good in theory. But does it actually work? One only has to look at the different prosperity courses and programs by several "life coaches" (e.g. Breakthrough seminar, Firewalk seminar, etc.) to see that there is something to this. These programs actually make a lot of use of the Law of Attraction, building the confidence of students so that only positive thoughts and affirmations are entertained. And this, by the Law of Attraction, brings about the desired prosperity. Watch The Secret, because it's very inspiring. And this is just one law. What if you also gain a working knowledge of the other laws?

It would take too long to expound on all the laws, but with enough research, one should be able to get a basic grasp of them. For those who have read my article about The Master Key System, the following short list is taken from that book and should give enough of an idea what these spiritual laws are about:

1. Law of Attraction - like matter will attract like matter; negative thoughts attract negative circumstances, while positive thoughts attract positive circumstances.

2. Law of Cause and Effect - whereby you reap exactly what you sow.

3. Law of Compensation - which is why you must first give in order to receive, because anything not merited is eventually taken away since Nature seeks to find equilibrium.

4. Law of Periodicity (may also be called Law of Cycles or Law of Rhythm) - Charles Haanel says that this law is governed by the Septimal Law (Law of Sevens), whereby everything happens in cycles of sevens (seven days, seven weeks, seven months, seven years, etc.). For those familiar with Master Choa Kok Sui's Management Through Kabbalistic Cycle, which involves 7 cycles as well, you will appreciate this section. In fact, given Master Choa's prolific reading, I wouldn't be surprised if he had read The Master Key System.

5. Law of Growth - anything given thought is given life, therefore it must build upon itself.

This only scratches the surface, so I encourage you to do some research on the different esoteric laws. The Kybalion is highly recommended reading.

One of the questions that I'm sure all of us have asked at least once in our lives is, if God is perfect and good, how could He have created such an imperfect world, with all its pains and sufferings?

Since we are already on the subject of The Master Key System, let me discuss one of the entries in the Question and Answer portion found at the end of the book, because it has something to do with the question at hand.

The question was: Since the real "I" is spiritual and therefore perfect, and since it "controls and directs both the body and mind," how is it that we see such imperfect results?

Charles Haanel's answer: We see no imperfect results. We see nothing but perfection. Perfection means that the Law operates with immutable precision. Spiritual law always operates perfectly. If the individual thinks constructively, results are constructive and harmonious. If he thinks destructively, he reaps exactly what he sows. The Law works perfectly. We see no imperfect results whatever. We may freely choose what we think, but the result of our thought is governed by an immutable law.

This is important because if we stick to a purely material view of the universe, none of life makes sense. But if we begin to grasp the operation of these hidden spiritual laws, then it sheds new light on the way we live our lives. Just because you imagine one thing doesn't make it any less real, because thought has real power. An architect first thought of the building he wanted to construct, before he ever put it on paper. So everything starts from thought, and makes its way from there.

Therefore, do we continue in ignorance and blunder our way through life? Or do we try to understand Nature's secrets and thereby penetrate into the beauty of all Creation? The choice lies within each and every one of us.

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