Thursday, November 4, 2010

The 90-10 Phenomenon

There is an esoteric law called the Law of Correspondence which, in hermetic parlance, states that "As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above." In material science, we see this principle reflected in the concept of fractals. Whatever pattern or design that you see on the macro level, will also be the same underlying pattern in the micro level.

This esoteric law forms the basis of all patterns, proportions and progressions, and by keeping this law always in mind, one is able to clue in to some important patterns and perhaps derive some insight into the workings of the universe. It also allows one to make sense of the different symbolisms found in many esoteric works. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is one such pattern that can be applied to many fields of metaphysical thought. The Power of Three is another such example.

But for the purpose of this article, I would like to focus more on the 90-10 phenomenon (as I call it), simply because of some observations I was able to pick up that carry this pattern. For instance, it is often stated that our conscious mind only represents 10% of our mental power, the remaining 90% being our subconscious.

In terms of religious custom, we are asked to keep 90% of our income, while tithing 10% to the church. When we are asked to roughly measure success or progress, more often than not, we instinctively say that "we're 90% there." And here's more, the tip of an iceberg is typically only one-tenth (10%) of the total volume of the whole thing, the other 90% being underwater!

What is the significance of this particular proportion? Why not 80-20 or 95-5? Why does the 10% usually represent what is manifest or visible, while the 90% is the hidden portion?

Let us return to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life since its symbolism can help us. The tree of life is typically depicted with ten sephira, with one hidden sefirot (for a total of 11). According to Kabbalah, reality is made up of ten dimensions, and our physical reality represents only one of those dimensions. The lowest sefirot in the tree of life is called Malkuth (Kingdom) and is often taken to represent this physical dimension.

Since Malkuth represents one-tenth of the number of sephira found in the tree of life, and in Nature we find that 90% represents the hidden, then if we apply the symbolism of the tree of life, it follows that the 9 other sephira (or dimensions) is hidden or veiled.

In one of my previous articles, I discussed the theory of why we tithe, and in the article I included the Kabbalistic explanation of why we tithe in the proportion of 10%. Since physical reality is the lowest of the ten dimensions, it is the dimension of the Adversary. Therefore, giving away 10% cuts away the force of the Adversary from our income and our lives.

But to me the proportion holds an even deeper symbolism. Although majority of people's consciousness can only encompass our physical reality, it is not the whole story. In fact, physical reality only forms a fraction of that story. It is also the part that is temporary and that we let go off upon death. Therefore, by giving away 10% of one's income, one acknowledges the impermanence of physical possessions and should recognize that the greater portion that is not perceived by our physical senses is our true treasure.

This is all well and good, but is there any scientific basis for all of this? Interestingly, scientists, through their calculations, have also speculated that there are 10 dimensions. In quantum science, this is posited in string theory.

And here's one other interesting tidbit: scientists have discovered that matter as we know it only represents 10% of the universe! The other 90% is the so-called dark matter, which scientists are still trying to detect but which their calculations show should be there. It seems the 90-10 phenomenon is pointing us to something more fundamental about the make up of the universe after all.

This is the beauty of symbolism, which instantly reminds us of certain lessons via condensed imagery and structure. Unfortunately, you must be aware of what the lesson is in the first place, otherwise the symbol has no meaning for the person who sees it. Why is there a need to remind ourselves of lessons? So that it imparts firmly into our subconscious, which is 90% of our mind, by the way!

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