Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heading for the Home Stretch

October 28 is just a few more days away and assuming Carl Johan Calleman's calculations are correct, that date marks the actual end of the Mayan calendar. What the end of the Mayan calendar actually means is still a topic of hot debate in most circles.

There are a bewildering array of theories and speculations about what will happen on the Mayan calendar end date. Some people believe that it is indeed a special date, but will otherwise be an ordinary day, like Christmas. Some say the world will end, while others say it will mark the start of major cataclysms (both natural and man-made) that will change the face of the Earth forever. There are those who believe that the different extraterrestial races will finally make themselves known to the rest of humanity or that governments would finally acknowledge them. And there are also speculations that say the Earth will become etheric, and so will our physical bodies. Or perhaps it's a mix of all of them.

Bottomline is, if you believe there may be something to it but are sitting on the fence on this one because you're not really sure, then most likely you don't know what to prepare for. Which theory do you go with? But since the Mayan calendar end date is supposedly just a few more days away, if you haven't done any preparation there's really nothing else to do but watch the show (again, assuming the calculations are correct).

But just yesterday, I was chatting with a friend of mine and we got into some of our own speculations about what could possibly happen. I know this is treacherous ground but since a lot of theories are flying around anyway, might as well add to the pot.

If you're sensitive to energy vibrations, you may have felt a difference in the Earth's energy. So far, it seems to manifest as a sort of static electricity or tingling feeling around the body and it gets stronger if you consciously connect to the Earth's energy. Try it. Just mentally say, "I desire to connect with Mother Earth's energy" and see if you feel anything.

Anyway, for those who meditate regularly, the feeling I mentioned in the previous paragraph is commonly associated with meditation. Meditations, aside from calming the mind, generate lots of energy and some people feel tingling over the whole body as well as other physical, emotional and mental cues. Each experience is not always the same, but the different cues tend to recur at some time if you meditate often enough. But as one goes through the day, encounters stress or other negative situations, the energy level tends to go down to "normal."

So this got me and my friend thinking, what if after the supposed end date the energy level normally associated with meditations becomes the baseline everyday energy level of the whole Earth? Meaning, the extraordinary becomes the new normal. So far so good, there's more energy around us. So what?

Most likely, IF it happens this way (and that's a big if), the jump in baseline energy levels will mean different things for many people. Let's look at a more mundane analogy. Let's imagine there are two guys, one of them living a sedentary lifestyle and the other, while no athlete, at least goes to the gym regularly, perhaps runs a marathon once a year. Then someone with a bunch of armed goons behind him goes up to both guys and says, "You both have to run a 10K marathon RIGHT NOW and reach the finish line within a specified amount of time. The one who fails the run gets shot in the head. MOVE!"

The guy who exercises regularly would likely have a hard time, but stands a better chance of adapting to the sudden run than the guy who lives a sedentary lifestyle. Their physical bodies have developed way differently.

In the same way as the example above, not only our physical bodies but our subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) are different from each other, depending on how we live our lives. There are different precautions to consider when starting any meditation, such as physical health, lifestyle and habits, because these can influence how one experiences the meditation. Divine energy is very strong especially for the more advanced meditations, and if one has too much physical, emotional or mental baggage that can create a feeling of uncomfortable pressure in the person, like high pressure water forcing its way through a dirty pipe. It can even manifest as physical illness or emotional and mental imbalances or at worst it could manifest as insanity.

Imagine if 7+ billion people in the world suddenly received the energy level generated by meditation. For those who meditate regularly or are at least spiritually-minded, there may be some discomfort but it's something easily adapted to. For those who are totally unprepared, well, we can only imagine what that would do to them.

If there is one consistent theme about the different theories being presented, it is that people stand a better chance of making it through the shift by becoming more spiritual. It's not just the "go to church everyday, say 9 novenas" type of thing. It also means becoming a better human through character-building and the way you live your life.

You may ask, why would God allow something like that to happen to all of humanity? But if you look at it, humanity has been given hundreds if not thousands of years to prepare, through all the wisdom teachings of great spiritual avatars (Jesus, Buddha, etc.). And even among people born in this generation, there have always been opportunities to get onto the spiritual path, perhaps even more of an opportunity compared to even two decades ago because of the Internet and the explosion of mobile communications technology.

I don't know if you've noticed it, but among the people I know or encounter, there have been more and more cases of susceptibility to disease, emotional pain and mental confusion. It's likely an effect of the coming shift, like the pressure shift that marks the coming of a speeding train, but perhaps also one last chance for people to make that personal shift. As we all go through catharsis and personal crises, perhaps we will finally "see the Light" so to speak.

Either way, ready or not, here it comes!

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