Well, October 28 has come and gone and so far we're still here, so that fact tends to throw out some of the more apocalyptic theories about what was supposed to happen. There was a monster ice storm in the East Coast of the US, and one of my friends who works in a tech firm said they experienced several server outages simultaneously around the world, plus locally there were also outages of SkyCable in several locations. Aside from that interesting news, October 28 was an otherwise ordinary day.
The fact that nothing seems to have happened after October 28 can be interpreted in two ways. One interpretation is that Carl Johan Calleman's calculations were wrong, or that even if the calculations were right there's no special meaning to the Mayan calendar end date after all. Understandably, this would be the position that skeptics would take. Another interpretation is that the shift did indeed take place, but it was a shift in consciousness, which means it took effect on the mental plane. If so, it would take some time before the effects of such a shift would manifest on the physical plane since everything first happens on the mental and astral before it shows up on the physical. How long the delay in manifestation would be depends on the amount of energy behind such a shift. Most likely the evidence of such a shift will only become clear in hindsight.
Historical examples of shifts that only became clear through the eyes of history are the rise of Christianity, the Industrial Revolution and the sudden explosion of Internet technologies (the 8th wave started on January 5, 1999). At the time these shifts occurred, majority didn't have an idea of the huge impact these particular shifts would have on humanity.
My best friend was wondering if this is another case of the frog being slowly boiled alive. In case you don't get the analogy, they say that if you want to boil a live frog don't throw it into a pot of boiling water because the frog will simply jump away. Instead, put it into a pot of lukewarm water then slowly heat the water until it boils. The frog won't notice the rising temperature until it was too late to jump away.
On to another topic of special dates, it's interesting to note that barely two weeks after October 28 we have another big date coming in: November 11, 2011 or 11-11-11. Just the simple configuration of numbers has even ordinary people taking a second look at this date. According to some groups, by 11-11-11 certain doorways of consciousness will open and the downpour of higher vibration energies will be very intense. Interestingly enough, 11-11-11 is also the full moon. Given that most magical and esoteric beliefs consider the full moon as especially potent for magical operations and meditations, then the combination of two special energies will make that day very interesting indeed.
There are many theories about what 11-11-11 means as far as the bigger picture of Earth's ascension is concerned. But like I've been reiterating, even without all these Earth changes we should have been spiritually evolving anyway, so as far as one's daily life is concerned, we just need to take note of these special events and watch the "show." But even if you don't buy into the Earth ascension theory, it would still be good to commemorate such a unique date as 11-11-11 with a special prayer or ceremony, either with yourself or your loved ones.
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