Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Spiral Universe

A few years ago, when I was still new to pranic healing, I was able to read Master Choa Kok Sui's book The Existence of God is Self-Evident. In the book, Master Choa mentioned that evolution occurs in spirals, regularly passing the same relative point but always on a higher scale. Ever since, I've encountered similar statements in other esoteric works I've read.

I didn't really think much about the above statement although it makes a certain sense on the intellectual level, but recently I was able to watch a nice video that brings to life the spiral nature of things. You can watch the short video below:

The title of the video, Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun, is a bit misleading. In the video, it actually says that if we go beyond our 2D conception of the Earth circling the sun year in and year out, we would realize that because the sun is hurtling towards space, in order for the Earth to keep its relative position to the sun it has to follow the same general path as the sun. If this is drawn on a piece of paper (and the animation in the video does show it), we would see that the Earth's movement is actually a spiral track around the sun.

I guess it only makes sense that the movements of celestial bodies would follow a spiral. The spiral describes the flow of energy and we actually see a lot of it. The structure of the DNA, the structure of spirulina, the shape of galaxies and even the structure of a torus, which is basically an energy vortex bent into itself. Again we find ourselves in the realm of sacred geometry with more evidence that the microcosm indeed follows the macrocosm and vice versa.

Life truly is amazing!

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