Supposedly, advanced beings use this walk in method in order to "hit the ground running" so to speak so that they may immediately start on their mission here on Earth. Such missions should benefit a large number of people, if not all humanity, because of the apparently complicated nature of doing a walk in.
The mission of the walk in could include introducing a new teaching that would help raise humanity's consciousness, or to organize a group or series of groups to do ceremonies that directly benefit Mother Earth, and so on. If the mission is really urgent and needs to be completed within a certain time frame, it would most likely necessitate a walk in so that the soul does not need to wait 10, 20 or 30 years of maturing before being able to start on the mission.
The concept of a walk in can be quite discomfiting because of the implications on the nature of close relationships such as with friends and most especially with spouses and children. Interestingly, I came across the Past Forward website that specifically discusses walk ins. I discovered this website through the Lightworkers in the Philippines Facebook community page.
Aside from a short explanation of what a walk in is, the website also lists 10 indicators that suggest a soul exchange has taken place. According to the website, if one has at least 7 of these 10 indicators, one is a walk in soul. These indicators are:
1> Extended Period of Unconsciousness While Ill
2> Some "Memory Loss" or Episodes of "Lost Time"
3> Dramatic Change in "Belief Systems" and/or Religion
4> Dramatic Shift in Interests and Spending Time
5> Inexplicable Acquisition of Talents and Abilities
6> New Approaches to Solving Unsolvable Problems
7> Overwhelming Evidence You Are "Not Yourself"
8> "Significant Others" Saying You Are "Different"
9> Sudden Leaving of Long Term Marriages or Jobs
10> Rapid Series of Challenging "Life" Problems
The owner of the website apparently does healing for complications that may arise from being a walk in. Also according to the website, there are more and more advanced souls doing walk ins in order to further assist in the ascension of Mother Earth. This makes sense, although the statement is hard to verify. One other thing the website mentions is that walk in souls will forget, either temporarily or permanently, that the soul exchange took place. If the soul's memory gets jazzed during the soul exchange, this sounds like it works against the concept of "hitting the ground running," and there have been accounts of those that didn't forget, but again there are many levels of truth so I'm willing to keep an open mind on this one. Most likely, whether or not the soul forgets is dependent on how advanced and "technically proficient" the soul is in occult matters.
Nevertheless, I'd like to compare three notable accounts of walk ins using the criteria listed in the website:
T. Lobsang Rampa (also see my T. Lobsang Rampa article)
Noted author who wrote 19 books on occult matters. The first 3 books described his life story as a Tibetan lama and described the circumstances that led to his transferring into the body of a British man, Cyril Henry Hoskin.
Lobsang Rampa apparently exhibited all the indicators except for #2 and #9. Based on the books he wrote, he didn't suffer any memory loss although it did take him at least a day to adjust to the new body. He also didn't leave his wife, although I understand they did not live like a normal husband and wife couple after the soul exchange.
Franz Bardon (also see my Franz Bardon article)
According to anecdotal accounts, as a boy of 14 (some say 16), Franz Bardon became very sick and was on the verge of death for a week. But he suddenly recovered and was different after that. His handwriting was different and his performance in school improved dramatically.
Based on this, it seems that Bardon had all the indicators except for #2 and #9. Of course, we are not really sure if there was memory loss since he never mentioned much about his personal life and early years, but the fact that he started to gain repute as a magician even at an early age indicates that either there was no memory loss or that the loss was of a very short duration. Bardon also met his wife after the soul exchange so #9 does not apply in this case.
Bardon's experiences at the hands of the Nazis and, later on, the communist government of Czechoslovakia is consistent with #10 and confirms the passage in Frabato the Magician that says the walk in soul must bear the karma of the "walk out" soul.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Noted for his books on sacred geometry and the Flower of Life as well as for the Merkaba meditation, Drunvalo mentioned in his book Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012 that he is a walk in soul. He specifically mentioned that he experienced memory loss after the exchange but that his angels, who are also his Higher Self, tutored him until he started to remember.
As per his own account, it seems Drunvalo had all the indicators except for #1 and #10. He didn't mention coming from a serious illness or accident prior to the soul exchange, and there has been no mention of any intense life trials, at least not the same way Lobsang Rampa and Franz Bardon experienced theirs.
Based on the three examples above, it does seem to validate that one needs to have at least 7 of the 10 indicators of a soul exchange in order to start seriously considering the possibility that one is a walk in soul. It's good that the indicator threshold is quite high (7 out of 10 indicators) so that people do not mistake genuine character development and acquisition of skills and intuition as signs that a soul exchange has taken place.
If this topic is jarring your mind, like I said it's a very interesting topic and can take some getting used to. But whether we believe in soul exchange or not, it is still a serious esoteric operation and one that is not undertaken lightly. The fact that soul exchanges still seem to be taking place despite the difficulties for the incoming soul should give us encouragement that we are not alone in trying to make the Earth a better place and that such an undertaking is worth the very best effort we can to put into it.
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