And then I read about cymatics and now I've seen a possible link between sound and manifestation. Cymatics, according to Wikipedia, is the study of visible sound and vibration. Swiss scientist Dr. Hans Jenny (1904-1972) made an important discovery when he used a balloon submerged in blue dye and vibrated it with frequencies from the musical scale. Dr. Jenny found out that the different tones produced different geometric forms in the liquid, which included all the Platonic solids (see the image attached with this article).
For those of you who are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek's books on sacred geometry, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volumes 1 & 2, the seed form is the Flower of Life. If you extend the form of the Flower of Life, you get the Fruit of Life and from this Fruit you can extract Metatron's Cube by drawing and connecting the lines in the center of each of the circles. Additionally, all the Platonic solids can be found within Metatron's Cube. Again according to Drunvalo's information, all created matter in this universe takes the form of any one of the Platonic solids. I just summarized a vast topic into one paragraph but if you would like to follow the logical progression of how one leads to the other, I suggest you read Drunvalo Melchizedek's books because he tackles the subject in much more detail.
Therefore, if certain vibrations result in the geometric forms of the Platonic solids, and the Platonic solids can be found in all created matter in the universe, it follows that being able to generate these vibrations can allow one to affect the very fabric of reality. Then again, producing nice geometric figures in dye versus influencing reality are two totally different ballgames. However, even physical and electronically produced tones and vibrations do influence human behavior and health. This is why the Solfeggio tones can be used for healing or why certain radionic frequencies can be used to influence events or behavior.
Although we may view cymatics as a modern phenomenon, I believe the ancients had already mastered the science of vibrations, or at least the methods of translating these vibrations into manifested forms. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the OM or AUM is the sound of creation. Perhaps if vibrated correctly in dye, it would produce the Fruit of Life or Metatron's Cube, the template upon which the Platonic solids are extracted from. Since different pitches and tones produce different geometric forms, then the way one chants the OM will produce a correspondingly different effect. I feel the same holds true for all the other mantras.
Of course, any discussion about sacred sounds wouldn't be complete without making reference to the Kabbalah, the science of the Divine Word. The Hebrew alphabet is often referred to as the "22 building blocks of the universe." Now that certainly sounds familiar. If one were able to get the correct pitch and tone for each letter, along with the letter combinations found in the various Names of God, one should be able to re-create the legendary feats attributed to the kabbalistic sages of old.
Finding the correct pitch and tone is of course just part of the challenge. Actually using them correctly forms the other half of the practice. This occult science has understandably been a well-guarded secret for centuries, if not millenia, so don't go off grabbing the nearest Kabbalah book just yet.
There are still other aspects of this science that can be explored. For instance, radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, just like light waves. So there is that aspect of light, color and vibration that affects our perception of reality. Nevertheless, even just a basic understanding of the relationship between vibrations and our reality goes a long way in lifting the veil that divides us from the higher realms.
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