October 28 is just a few more days away and assuming Carl Johan Calleman's calculations are correct, that date marks the actual end of the Mayan calendar. What the end of the Mayan calendar actually means is still a topic of hot debate in most circles.
There are a bewildering array of theories and speculations about what will happen on the Mayan calendar end date. Some people believe that it is indeed a special date, but will otherwise be an ordinary day, like Christmas. Some say the world will end, while others say it will mark the start of major cataclysms (both natural and man-made) that will change the face of the Earth forever. There are those who believe that the different extraterrestial races will finally make themselves known to the rest of humanity or that governments would finally acknowledge them. And there are also speculations that say the Earth will become etheric, and so will our physical bodies. Or perhaps it's a mix of all of them.
Bottomline is, if you believe there may be something to it but are sitting on the fence on this one because you're not really sure, then most likely you don't know what to prepare for. Which theory do you go with? But since the Mayan calendar end date is supposedly just a few more days away, if you haven't done any preparation there's really nothing else to do but watch the show (again, assuming the calculations are correct).
But just yesterday, I was chatting with a friend of mine and we got into some of our own speculations about what could possibly happen. I know this is treacherous ground but since a lot of theories are flying around anyway, might as well add to the pot.
If you're sensitive to energy vibrations, you may have felt a difference in the Earth's energy. So far, it seems to manifest as a sort of static electricity or tingling feeling around the body and it gets stronger if you consciously connect to the Earth's energy. Try it. Just mentally say, "I desire to connect with Mother Earth's energy" and see if you feel anything.
Anyway, for those who meditate regularly, the feeling I mentioned in the previous paragraph is commonly associated with meditation. Meditations, aside from calming the mind, generate lots of energy and some people feel tingling over the whole body as well as other physical, emotional and mental cues. Each experience is not always the same, but the different cues tend to recur at some time if you meditate often enough. But as one goes through the day, encounters stress or other negative situations, the energy level tends to go down to "normal."
So this got me and my friend thinking, what if after the supposed end date the energy level normally associated with meditations becomes the baseline everyday energy level of the whole Earth? Meaning, the extraordinary becomes the new normal. So far so good, there's more energy around us. So what?
Most likely, IF it happens this way (and that's a big if), the jump in baseline energy levels will mean different things for many people. Let's look at a more mundane analogy. Let's imagine there are two guys, one of them living a sedentary lifestyle and the other, while no athlete, at least goes to the gym regularly, perhaps runs a marathon once a year. Then someone with a bunch of armed goons behind him goes up to both guys and says, "You both have to run a 10K marathon RIGHT NOW and reach the finish line within a specified amount of time. The one who fails the run gets shot in the head. MOVE!"
The guy who exercises regularly would likely have a hard time, but stands a better chance of adapting to the sudden run than the guy who lives a sedentary lifestyle. Their physical bodies have developed way differently.
In the same way as the example above, not only our physical bodies but our subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) are different from each other, depending on how we live our lives. There are different precautions to consider when starting any meditation, such as physical health, lifestyle and habits, because these can influence how one experiences the meditation. Divine energy is very strong especially for the more advanced meditations, and if one has too much physical, emotional or mental baggage that can create a feeling of uncomfortable pressure in the person, like high pressure water forcing its way through a dirty pipe. It can even manifest as physical illness or emotional and mental imbalances or at worst it could manifest as insanity.
Imagine if 7+ billion people in the world suddenly received the energy level generated by meditation. For those who meditate regularly or are at least spiritually-minded, there may be some discomfort but it's something easily adapted to. For those who are totally unprepared, well, we can only imagine what that would do to them.
If there is one consistent theme about the different theories being presented, it is that people stand a better chance of making it through the shift by becoming more spiritual. It's not just the "go to church everyday, say 9 novenas" type of thing. It also means becoming a better human through character-building and the way you live your life.
You may ask, why would God allow something like that to happen to all of humanity? But if you look at it, humanity has been given hundreds if not thousands of years to prepare, through all the wisdom teachings of great spiritual avatars (Jesus, Buddha, etc.). And even among people born in this generation, there have always been opportunities to get onto the spiritual path, perhaps even more of an opportunity compared to even two decades ago because of the Internet and the explosion of mobile communications technology.
I don't know if you've noticed it, but among the people I know or encounter, there have been more and more cases of susceptibility to disease, emotional pain and mental confusion. It's likely an effect of the coming shift, like the pressure shift that marks the coming of a speeding train, but perhaps also one last chance for people to make that personal shift. As we all go through catharsis and personal crises, perhaps we will finally "see the Light" so to speak.
Either way, ready or not, here it comes!
My online journal for various esoteric topics.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Earth Changes and You: Like Deer in the Headlights?
The survival instinct is a very basic trait not only in humans but in animals as well. So it may seem odd why there should be any question when survival is called into question. Alas, the human penchant for complexity sometimes gets in the way of this very basic trait.
Even when faced with an immediate threat to survival, there are people who still fail to act accordingly. In psychology, this is called the normalcy bias. As per the Wikipedia definition:
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
According to one article I read, understanding the normalcy bias could save your life. It was the story of this woman whose house burned down in The Great Laguna Fire of 1993 (this is Laguna Beach, California, not Laguna, Philippines). The author was rushing towards her house when she saw her neighbors just gawking at the approaching wildfire that was barely 1,000 feet away. Although she was intent on evacuation, she ended up frozen into a state of inaction, wondering whether she really needed to evacuate since she wasn't even sure if the wildfire would really reach her house.
Nowadays, with the threat of natural, social and economic calamities being very high, the question of survival preparedness becomes even more pertinent. Although we have seen a rise in self-sustaining survival communities and survival-oriented info is prevalent on the Internet (such as The Modern Survival Blog), putting this information to use presents another problem. Assuming you overcome your own normalcy bias, financial capacity certainly plays a big part in what sort of preparations you can make. Then there's also one's family to think about.
I suppose in the US the family issue won't be as big a consideration since people there are so used to being away from the family. In fact, independence usually starts at 18 years of age when one moves out of the parents' home. But in the Philippines where family units are very closely knit, it can be a challenge to convince family and relatives of the need to relocate to a safer place or institute preparations of some kind. If you think conquering your own normalcy bias is difficult, wait until you encounter the normalcy bias of several people grouped together. Even if you do push through on your own, your conscience may not accept the fact that you are safe in a survival community while knowing the city where your family and relatives are located has been destroyed by a tsunami or earthquake, for example.
Disaster preparedness instructor Ed Guevara has encountered a lot of this inherent opposition when conducting disaster preparedness seminars. In case that name sounds familiar, that's because I featured Ed Guevara in a previous article.
One of Ed's most memorable experiences was when he conducted a seminar in Semirara Island, just off Mindoro. He told the villagers in a seaside village that they were in an unsafe location and that they needed to relocate, but of course no one listened. However, that night there was a strong earthquake in Mindoro which was also felt in Semirara. The next morning he asked them if they felt the earthquake and then he said that that's what he was talking about, and immediately everyone relocated to higher ground. In this case, fear overcame the economic considerations and inconveniences of relocating. Unfortunately, not everyone will have such an opportunity.
But just as with other things in life, one just has to learn to play with the cards in one's hands. At the very least, by being aware, you are prepared to take advantage of any survival opportunities that may come your way. Picking up from the line in G.I. Joe, "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle." But I suppose the normalcy bias is the other half?
Even when faced with an immediate threat to survival, there are people who still fail to act accordingly. In psychology, this is called the normalcy bias. As per the Wikipedia definition:
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
According to one article I read, understanding the normalcy bias could save your life. It was the story of this woman whose house burned down in The Great Laguna Fire of 1993 (this is Laguna Beach, California, not Laguna, Philippines). The author was rushing towards her house when she saw her neighbors just gawking at the approaching wildfire that was barely 1,000 feet away. Although she was intent on evacuation, she ended up frozen into a state of inaction, wondering whether she really needed to evacuate since she wasn't even sure if the wildfire would really reach her house.
Nowadays, with the threat of natural, social and economic calamities being very high, the question of survival preparedness becomes even more pertinent. Although we have seen a rise in self-sustaining survival communities and survival-oriented info is prevalent on the Internet (such as The Modern Survival Blog), putting this information to use presents another problem. Assuming you overcome your own normalcy bias, financial capacity certainly plays a big part in what sort of preparations you can make. Then there's also one's family to think about.
I suppose in the US the family issue won't be as big a consideration since people there are so used to being away from the family. In fact, independence usually starts at 18 years of age when one moves out of the parents' home. But in the Philippines where family units are very closely knit, it can be a challenge to convince family and relatives of the need to relocate to a safer place or institute preparations of some kind. If you think conquering your own normalcy bias is difficult, wait until you encounter the normalcy bias of several people grouped together. Even if you do push through on your own, your conscience may not accept the fact that you are safe in a survival community while knowing the city where your family and relatives are located has been destroyed by a tsunami or earthquake, for example.
Disaster preparedness instructor Ed Guevara has encountered a lot of this inherent opposition when conducting disaster preparedness seminars. In case that name sounds familiar, that's because I featured Ed Guevara in a previous article.
One of Ed's most memorable experiences was when he conducted a seminar in Semirara Island, just off Mindoro. He told the villagers in a seaside village that they were in an unsafe location and that they needed to relocate, but of course no one listened. However, that night there was a strong earthquake in Mindoro which was also felt in Semirara. The next morning he asked them if they felt the earthquake and then he said that that's what he was talking about, and immediately everyone relocated to higher ground. In this case, fear overcame the economic considerations and inconveniences of relocating. Unfortunately, not everyone will have such an opportunity.
But just as with other things in life, one just has to learn to play with the cards in one's hands. At the very least, by being aware, you are prepared to take advantage of any survival opportunities that may come your way. Picking up from the line in G.I. Joe, "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle." But I suppose the normalcy bias is the other half?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Three's A Company
Last year, one of my friends introduced me to the concept of triple numbers through Drunvalo Melchizedek's book The Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012. According to Drunvalo, triple numbers have a special meaning that pertains to the particular thought you had at the time you encounter the numbers.
The following is a list of the triple numbers and their meanings, from pages 88-89 of the said book:
111 - Energy Flow: Any energy flow such as electricity,money,water, sexual energy, etc.
222 - New Cycle: The beginning of a new cycle, the nature of which depends on the next triple number you see.
333 - Decision: You have a decision to make. The decision will lead to either 666, which means you must repeat the lesson again in some other way, or it will lead to 999, which is completion and you have learned the lesson.
444 - The Mystery School: What is occurring in life is a lesson around learning about the Reality. This school is learning, such as reading books or studying a subject, but not actual doing.
555 - Unity Consciousness: This is the number when someone has attained Unity Consciousness. They have mastered all levels of the Mystery School. It is the highest number. It is the number of Christ.
666 - Earth Consciousness: This is the number of the Beast in the Bible, so it can represent pure evil, but it is also the number of mankind and life. Carbon is the basis of life, and carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Generally, when you see this number, it means to watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment, and you must be careful.
777 - The Mystery School: This is the part of the school where you are not just reading books about life, but are also practicing it.
888 - Completion of a particular lesson within the Mystery School.
999 - Completion of a particular cycle of events.
000 - Has no value.
While it may be hard to imagine how a series of numbers can have any bearing on what is happening to you, ever since I learned about the triple numbers I've tried to take note of my thoughts everytime I saw a triple number and then observed subsequent events, and there is certainly something to it.
For instance, just recently I saw a friend post something in Facebook, so I was browsing other pages while thinking about her post and then saw the triple 6 in the screen. Since the triple 6 means to "watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment" I decided to see what would happen next. About 10 minutes later, my friend called and it was about that particular post in Facebook! Considering I hadn't had the chance to talk to my friend since early this year, this is something extraordinary indeed.
I usually see the triple numbers in the plate numbers of cars and the interesting thing is that I don't see them when I'm looking for them, but they usually turn up at the most unexpected moments. Certainly, it has made me more aware of my thoughts, which is a good thing in and of itself, since runaway thoughts sometimes get us into trouble.
One thing to watch out for is if you get too focused on the numbers to the point that you almost become paranoid about seeing them or tend to agonize over what they could mean for you. For me, I take it as a "live and let live" situation with the numbers simply pointing to something interesting about my life.
Of course, one would wonder if the very act of assigning meaning to the numbers and thinking about them attracts the very circumstances that one was thinking about. That's certainly a valid point, although I still think there is something more to it.
The sages of old treated the concept of triplicity with special meaning. We see it in the Trinity, Three Aspects of God, and so on. According to Albert Schutz in Call Adonoi, the number three represents powers that are supreme in the universe, regulating life and growth, fruition and decay, basically ruling all existence from beginning to end. The kabbalists refer to these forces as the "Three Mothers."
Seeing the triple numbers in this light, we get a glimpse of why they seemingly tap into the fundament of our thoughts and give hints about the direction those thoughts are leading us to.
Now that's something to think (pun intended) about.
The following is a list of the triple numbers and their meanings, from pages 88-89 of the said book:
111 - Energy Flow: Any energy flow such as electricity,money,water, sexual energy, etc.
222 - New Cycle: The beginning of a new cycle, the nature of which depends on the next triple number you see.
333 - Decision: You have a decision to make. The decision will lead to either 666, which means you must repeat the lesson again in some other way, or it will lead to 999, which is completion and you have learned the lesson.
444 - The Mystery School: What is occurring in life is a lesson around learning about the Reality. This school is learning, such as reading books or studying a subject, but not actual doing.
555 - Unity Consciousness: This is the number when someone has attained Unity Consciousness. They have mastered all levels of the Mystery School. It is the highest number. It is the number of Christ.
666 - Earth Consciousness: This is the number of the Beast in the Bible, so it can represent pure evil, but it is also the number of mankind and life. Carbon is the basis of life, and carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Generally, when you see this number, it means to watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment, and you must be careful.
777 - The Mystery School: This is the part of the school where you are not just reading books about life, but are also practicing it.
888 - Completion of a particular lesson within the Mystery School.
999 - Completion of a particular cycle of events.
000 - Has no value.
While it may be hard to imagine how a series of numbers can have any bearing on what is happening to you, ever since I learned about the triple numbers I've tried to take note of my thoughts everytime I saw a triple number and then observed subsequent events, and there is certainly something to it.
For instance, just recently I saw a friend post something in Facebook, so I was browsing other pages while thinking about her post and then saw the triple 6 in the screen. Since the triple 6 means to "watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment" I decided to see what would happen next. About 10 minutes later, my friend called and it was about that particular post in Facebook! Considering I hadn't had the chance to talk to my friend since early this year, this is something extraordinary indeed.
I usually see the triple numbers in the plate numbers of cars and the interesting thing is that I don't see them when I'm looking for them, but they usually turn up at the most unexpected moments. Certainly, it has made me more aware of my thoughts, which is a good thing in and of itself, since runaway thoughts sometimes get us into trouble.
One thing to watch out for is if you get too focused on the numbers to the point that you almost become paranoid about seeing them or tend to agonize over what they could mean for you. For me, I take it as a "live and let live" situation with the numbers simply pointing to something interesting about my life.
Of course, one would wonder if the very act of assigning meaning to the numbers and thinking about them attracts the very circumstances that one was thinking about. That's certainly a valid point, although I still think there is something more to it.
The sages of old treated the concept of triplicity with special meaning. We see it in the Trinity, Three Aspects of God, and so on. According to Albert Schutz in Call Adonoi, the number three represents powers that are supreme in the universe, regulating life and growth, fruition and decay, basically ruling all existence from beginning to end. The kabbalists refer to these forces as the "Three Mothers."
Seeing the triple numbers in this light, we get a glimpse of why they seemingly tap into the fundament of our thoughts and give hints about the direction those thoughts are leading us to.
Now that's something to think (pun intended) about.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Are You an Angry Bird?

In case you're unfamiliar with what Angry Birds is, it's a puzzle video game developed by Rovio Mobile for mobile devices such as the iPhone and Android-driven devices. It's one of the most successful mobile applications ever released. One of the marks of this success is the inclusion of Angry Birds in television and other advertisements.
I suppose the game developers chose to call the characters "angry birds" because of how the players are supposed to use them to demolish buildings and kill the green pigs that are the opponents in the game. Despite the fun theme, that's certainly what anger can lead to if left uncontrolled.
Within the context of this article, are you yourself an angry bird? We've all had moments of anger and depending on one's temperament and environment, it can be extremely easy or very difficult to get angry. There are many things that can trigger anger: a spoken word, an incident that evokes a bad memory, someone's face. If there are too many trigger points, then the anger can become a psychological issue.
But for most of us, we get angry, then we forget about it and move on. But energetically speaking, the "energetic scars" that caused the anger are still there and the "wound" can easily re-open if you encounter a trigger point. This is why it's not only important to deal with the anger itself, but the underlying causes. More often than not, this requires a high degree of self-honesty since you may not like what you discover about yourself.
The effects of anger are not just mental or emotional but physically detrimental as well. Increased blood pressure, heart pumping wildly, these things repeated often enough can't be good for one's health, especially if one already has pre-existing conditions.
Fortunately, while working on anger issues there are very simple ways by which one can mitigate or get one's anger under control. These are very simple methods from Master Choa Kok Sui's Pranic Psychotherapy and in fact you may have heard of them separately from other sources.
Do the following anytime you're angry or feel like you're about to explode:
1. Do deep abdominal breathing for at least a few minutes. By deep breathing that means you inhale, pause, exhale, pause, then inhale again and keep doing so until you calm down.
2. Chant a sacred word or mantra like Om or Amen. Try mentally saying the mantra at least 10 times and observe if there's any change. Combine this with deep breathing and observe the results.
3. Say a prayer or meditate on the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi everyday. The prayer goes:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury,pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
4. If you have the chance, do the Meditation on Twin Hearts everyday.
You may say that the above techniques are so simple. The question is, are you doing them?
The above techniques don't require any money or a huge investment in time and energy. It just needs your commitment to better yourself. There are just too many trigger issues in the world right now, so don't add to the world's problems (and your own) by getting carried away by anger. Instead, try to take a different path, the so-called straight and narrow way. It could save you a lot of hurt in the long run.
In Bo Sanchez's Facebook page, he put a nice quote:
"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness." - Anonymous
It's your choice. How are you going to spend your precious time?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Occupy Wall Street: More Than Meets the Eye?
Although the Occupy Wall Street Movement hasn't received much media attention here in the Philippines, you may have encountered some news about it on the Internet and on social media sites like Facebook. It sounds straightforward enough, a group of people have gotten fed up with the way the American financial system is set up and so stage a protest against the institution that most blatantly represents the flawed system: Wall Street.
Far from being a flash in the pan, the generally peaceful protest has lasted for several weeks now and has kept attracting people to join in. A further sign of just how fed up people are, similar movements have sprung up in other cities in different states. Only time will tell how far this will go, although one protester said that they were in this for the "long run."
The things that the Movement are objecting against are reasonable and noble enough. After all, who wants to keep putting up with corporate greed and irresponsibility and live with the results? We could even take it as a sign that the American people are finally "waking up" to what's wrong in their country. So then, why is there a question attached on the second part of this article's title?
I put the Transformers tagline with the title because of a disturbing video I saw yesterday. I suggest you also watch the video first before continuing with the article:
In case you haven't watched the video, it shows a meeting of the Occupy Wall Street Movement somewhere in Atlanta, and the way they were talking it was like the crowd was totally brainwashed. An article in the Natural News website expounds more on the happenings of that meeting.
My point is this, just because we don't like the way things are doesn't mean that we should blindly jump at whatever opposes the status quo. In my previous article about The Gods of Eden, the author William Bramley discusses that throughout human history, conflicts have been engineered, backed up with conflicting ideologies in order to keep humanity divided and too busy fighting to focus on spiritual liberation.
More often than not, there is evidence of a hidden player working behind the scenes that supports both opposing ideologies in order to keep the conflict alive (e.g. the same set of bankers funding both sides in the Napoleonic Wars, the two World Wars and the more recent Communism vs. Democracy Cold War). The point being, if you take sides you still fall into the trap set by this third player. Supposedly, this third party is comprised of extraterrestial races that are against humanity's development.
If you take a closer look at the Occupy Wall Street Movement, we should take care that one system is not being replaced for another, equally oppressive, system (in this case, one that promotes unthinking obedience towards a leader or group of leaders). Of course, the video and article above only featured Atlanta so I'm not sure if that was just a freak occurrence or if it's systemic across all branches of the Movement.
Nevertheless, it's still a message to always be on guard for any new ideology or movement that springs up, no matter how noble or logical the seeming goal is. And this holds true even if one doesn't believe in the existence of a shadow group influencing events behind the scenes.
Far from being a flash in the pan, the generally peaceful protest has lasted for several weeks now and has kept attracting people to join in. A further sign of just how fed up people are, similar movements have sprung up in other cities in different states. Only time will tell how far this will go, although one protester said that they were in this for the "long run."
The things that the Movement are objecting against are reasonable and noble enough. After all, who wants to keep putting up with corporate greed and irresponsibility and live with the results? We could even take it as a sign that the American people are finally "waking up" to what's wrong in their country. So then, why is there a question attached on the second part of this article's title?
I put the Transformers tagline with the title because of a disturbing video I saw yesterday. I suggest you also watch the video first before continuing with the article:
In case you haven't watched the video, it shows a meeting of the Occupy Wall Street Movement somewhere in Atlanta, and the way they were talking it was like the crowd was totally brainwashed. An article in the Natural News website expounds more on the happenings of that meeting.
My point is this, just because we don't like the way things are doesn't mean that we should blindly jump at whatever opposes the status quo. In my previous article about The Gods of Eden, the author William Bramley discusses that throughout human history, conflicts have been engineered, backed up with conflicting ideologies in order to keep humanity divided and too busy fighting to focus on spiritual liberation.
More often than not, there is evidence of a hidden player working behind the scenes that supports both opposing ideologies in order to keep the conflict alive (e.g. the same set of bankers funding both sides in the Napoleonic Wars, the two World Wars and the more recent Communism vs. Democracy Cold War). The point being, if you take sides you still fall into the trap set by this third player. Supposedly, this third party is comprised of extraterrestial races that are against humanity's development.
If you take a closer look at the Occupy Wall Street Movement, we should take care that one system is not being replaced for another, equally oppressive, system (in this case, one that promotes unthinking obedience towards a leader or group of leaders). Of course, the video and article above only featured Atlanta so I'm not sure if that was just a freak occurrence or if it's systemic across all branches of the Movement.
Nevertheless, it's still a message to always be on guard for any new ideology or movement that springs up, no matter how noble or logical the seeming goal is. And this holds true even if one doesn't believe in the existence of a shadow group influencing events behind the scenes.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Gods of Eden
A while back I read this interesting book called The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. It came out in 1989 and while not exactly the "Bible of UFOlogy" it is certainly highly regarded by some of the more prominent names in the field of UFO investigations. The author was even interviewed a few times in History Channel's Ancient Aliens Season 2.
The material is methodical and well-researched, and the author also takes the time to answer the questions of those who do not believe in the existence of UFOs and extraterrestials. While exhaustive, the author does admit that he had to limit his research to certain lines and so he wasn't able to touch upon other topics within the vast field of UFOlogy, such as inner earth. Because of this, there could be certain errors in his conclusions but he leaves the door open for future researchers to explore these other avenues further.
However, just like with any piece of work, especially something that deals with a topic like this, the reader should be open-minded but discerning because to just totally accept all the conclusions stated in the book can lead to much confusion.
With that, let me just summarize what the book is about.
The basic assumption of the book is that the human race was genetically engineered as a slave race in order to more efficiently exploit the resources of Earth. We have heard this story from Zechariah Sitchin and his writings about the Annunaki. William Bramley however prefers to use the generic term "Custodians" because ownership of Earth may have changed over the last few thousand years.
Prior to the creation of the human race, the Custodians created another slave race but it didn't work out as expected because the race was too dumb and clumsy. Therefore, they created another race by combining Custodian genetic seed and primitive homo sapiens, producing modern man or homo sapiens sapiens. Thus physically, modern man resembles the Custodial body quite closely (remember the Bible passage, "Let us create them in our image..."). This sudden (in evolutionary terms) jump in evolution is supposedly the "missing link" between primitive humans and modern humans.
However, in order to properly animate these bodies, actual spirits were needed to inhabit them. The prior slave race had no souls that's why they were just like dumb biological robots that the Custodians couldn't make use of. The author doesn't bother to speculate how the spirits were "trapped" into these human bodies or how the Custodians were able to convince these spirits to inhabit these bodies in the first place. The important thing is that they were able to do it.
Majority of these Custodial masters treated their slaves quite harshly. A minority were compassionate and humane. The problem was, because the newly inhabited human bodies were controlled by spirits who came from the Divine, these human slaves eventually became rebellious of their harsh masters, leading to efforts by the Custodians to wipe out the human race.
This is where stories of the Great Flood come out and other attempted genocides. The reason humans survived is because of forewarning by the compassionate Custodians (like in the Noah's ark story).
Of particular importance is the Garden of Eden story, which is full of symbols and allegory. We all know the story, so I'll jump straight to the point. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, it meant that humans were taught techniques by which they could reclaim their divine right, which the Custodial masters didn't want hence they cast Adam and Eve out before they could eat of the fruit of the tree of life, i.e. before humans could learn how to return to their spiritual home (everlasting life).
The "snake" in the story is commonly attributed to the kundalini, which leads to spiritual illumination and liberation, but the author states it also stands for the one who taught the humans these spiritual techniques in the first place, Prince Ea (per Zechariah Sitchin, one of the head Annunaki) whose symbol was the snake. It seems Prince Ea put up the Brotherhood of the Snake, which is probably the first Mystery School of Earth, to secretly teach humans the way to spiritual liberation.
However, it appears that the Brotherhood was eventually found out and defeated and its teachings corrupted. The truth was still there, but with "fatal twists" that would either make the techniques not work or prevent the techniques from working as expected, thus keeping humans in bondage. The spritual teachings were also couched in heavy symbolism that was almost indecipherable. It's like your computer having 10GB of RAM but someone only installs 32-bit Windows 7 on it (instead of 64-bit), so you're not able to utilize the whole RAM potential of your computer. Everything still works but it's still not the full potential because you don't have the complete, or rather the correct, package.
So the objective is to keep people in bondage to material existence, and hopefully permanently merge the spirit into bodily/physical existence. Anything that keeps the consciousness in the material and diverts attention away from the spiritual is being done by the Custodians in the form of the corrupted Brotherhood.
Going back to the Garden of Eden story, that's why the snake was vilified and why it mentions that man will have to toil in the physical from birth to death, again to make physical survival such a chore and a drain on time and energy that all our consciousness gets anchored into physical survival and a materialist outlook.
So from the recorded history of the human race, there were major efforts to keep man in the physical consciousness. Wars, religions that pitted one against the other, modern money, the emphasis on too much work, chemicals to affect our pineal gland, etc, etc. All are variations of the same basic theme and objective. If it seems like the way the modern world is set up is keeping people too busy, too sick and too dumbed down to bother with anything else except to pay the bills, to pay for doctors and medicines, and to entertain one after a stressful day at work, it's because it's all being orchestrated to keep us that way.
At the same time, throughout history there have been efforts to interject the true spiritual teachings that would liberate man, such as the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha. So it seems there are still those minority Custodians (according to the author) who are working for the liberation of man. However, again the corrupted Brotherhood infiltrated and corrupted the teachings until the early Christian Church became the Catholic Church with its dogmas and Buddhism devolved into a religion rather than the way of life it was meant to be.
Given this tendency towards corruption of spiritual teachings, it's even more important to practice discernment. It's even more priceless if one encounters a Teacher who can lift the veils of deception and transmit the Teachings as accurately as possible. The real meaning of the word guru is "dispeller of darkness" and nowhere is that more true than with the spiritual teachings, in light of the "fatal twists" that are all around.
Another insight I got from reading the book is that when we say we are striving towards the "liberation from the wheel of death and rebirth," when taken in context of the Custodians trying to permanently trap the spirit into physical existence, perhaps that wheel or cycle of rebirth is the trap that they originally set and that is what we are being taught to escape from. The form of the trap is desire (in Buddhism, grasping and aversion), imprinted in our subconscious minds and our astral bodies, which many esoteric teachings say prevent us from achieving liberation. This desire is constantly being reprogrammed into us by false philosophies, extremist views, hatreds, television, propaganda and so on.
There is another important thing related to the above. I've always wondered why when we are reborn, our memories of past lives are wiped away (at least among the majority of us)? How are we supposed to redress past wrongs or understand our current challenges if we are not aware why they are there in the first place? The most common explanation I've read is that it is not to unduly burden our efforts in the present life and so that we may learn the exercise of our free will (for example, if one was previously a king but in this life was now a beggar, one might be too overcome with the memory of kingship to effectively work out this life as a beggar, or the person might even become arrogant to other beggars).
However, in the chapter discussing Mormonism, there is an explanation there that sheds more light to the above memory wipe upon rebirth. For that I will quote directly from the book:
"Mormonism teaches that everyone lived with the Heavenly Father (God) before coming to Earth. As part of God’s grand plan, people are sent to Earth in order to learn right from wrong, and to demonstrate to God that they prefer doing good over evil. However, something is done to all spiritual beings who are sent to Earth: they are induced with amnesia about their prebirth existences. According to a pamphlet published by the Mormon Church:
. . . though we might sometimes sense intimations of our premortal existence [spiritual existence before taking on a body] as “through a glass darkly” [vaguely], it would be effectively blocked from our memory.
This is a remarkable claim, for it suggests that memory of pure spiritual existence is in some way deliberately blocked from human memories by the Custodial society as part of its effort to weld spiritual beings to human bodies. The Custodial society does seem to have effective methods for occluding memory, as demonstrated in modern UFO abduction cases where human victims are apparently caused to suffer almost complete amnesia regarding their abduction experiences.
The forced amnesia described in Mormon had several purported purposes, one of which was:
. . . to ensure that our choice of good or evil would reflect our earthly desires and will, rather than the remembered influence of our All-Good Heavenly Father.
This is also an astonishing admission. It alleges that spiritual memory is dimmed so that people will base their actions on their concerns as material beings rather than upon their knowledge and remembrance of spiritual existence. This can only hamper the ability of individuals to attain a high level of ethics because true ethics must ultimately take into account a person’s spiritual nature when confronted with an ethical dilemma.
By reducing all questions of ethics to strictly earthly concerns, people are prevented from fully resolving those ethical questions that will start them on the road to full spiritual recovery."
Anyway, in the end, one question I kept asking was why the Custodians even bothered. Although still "enslaved" to a physical existence, we aren't directly giving them anything (that we know of) in terms of resources. So why is there still that effort to keep us fettered here? Perhaps the experiment is still on-going, namely the drive to permanently fuse spirit into physical existence. Our daily life is part of that grand experiment that has being going on for millennia.
It seems that the author views all extraterrestial races as hostile to humanity, except for a minority of compassionate individual aliens. I don't know about that, although I'm sure those who follow the channeled messages of the Pleiadians and similar ET races would object. But what I am sure of is that I'm thankful I was able to get on the spiritual path with as little "fatal twists" as possible.
But whatever one's belief, The Gods of Eden is still a very informative book to read. I'll try to discuss some of the other interesting chapters of that book in another article, but I highly encourage people to read it themselves if they can.
The material is methodical and well-researched, and the author also takes the time to answer the questions of those who do not believe in the existence of UFOs and extraterrestials. While exhaustive, the author does admit that he had to limit his research to certain lines and so he wasn't able to touch upon other topics within the vast field of UFOlogy, such as inner earth. Because of this, there could be certain errors in his conclusions but he leaves the door open for future researchers to explore these other avenues further.
However, just like with any piece of work, especially something that deals with a topic like this, the reader should be open-minded but discerning because to just totally accept all the conclusions stated in the book can lead to much confusion.
With that, let me just summarize what the book is about.
The basic assumption of the book is that the human race was genetically engineered as a slave race in order to more efficiently exploit the resources of Earth. We have heard this story from Zechariah Sitchin and his writings about the Annunaki. William Bramley however prefers to use the generic term "Custodians" because ownership of Earth may have changed over the last few thousand years.
Prior to the creation of the human race, the Custodians created another slave race but it didn't work out as expected because the race was too dumb and clumsy. Therefore, they created another race by combining Custodian genetic seed and primitive homo sapiens, producing modern man or homo sapiens sapiens. Thus physically, modern man resembles the Custodial body quite closely (remember the Bible passage, "Let us create them in our image..."). This sudden (in evolutionary terms) jump in evolution is supposedly the "missing link" between primitive humans and modern humans.
However, in order to properly animate these bodies, actual spirits were needed to inhabit them. The prior slave race had no souls that's why they were just like dumb biological robots that the Custodians couldn't make use of. The author doesn't bother to speculate how the spirits were "trapped" into these human bodies or how the Custodians were able to convince these spirits to inhabit these bodies in the first place. The important thing is that they were able to do it.
Majority of these Custodial masters treated their slaves quite harshly. A minority were compassionate and humane. The problem was, because the newly inhabited human bodies were controlled by spirits who came from the Divine, these human slaves eventually became rebellious of their harsh masters, leading to efforts by the Custodians to wipe out the human race.
This is where stories of the Great Flood come out and other attempted genocides. The reason humans survived is because of forewarning by the compassionate Custodians (like in the Noah's ark story).
Of particular importance is the Garden of Eden story, which is full of symbols and allegory. We all know the story, so I'll jump straight to the point. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, it meant that humans were taught techniques by which they could reclaim their divine right, which the Custodial masters didn't want hence they cast Adam and Eve out before they could eat of the fruit of the tree of life, i.e. before humans could learn how to return to their spiritual home (everlasting life).
The "snake" in the story is commonly attributed to the kundalini, which leads to spiritual illumination and liberation, but the author states it also stands for the one who taught the humans these spiritual techniques in the first place, Prince Ea (per Zechariah Sitchin, one of the head Annunaki) whose symbol was the snake. It seems Prince Ea put up the Brotherhood of the Snake, which is probably the first Mystery School of Earth, to secretly teach humans the way to spiritual liberation.
However, it appears that the Brotherhood was eventually found out and defeated and its teachings corrupted. The truth was still there, but with "fatal twists" that would either make the techniques not work or prevent the techniques from working as expected, thus keeping humans in bondage. The spritual teachings were also couched in heavy symbolism that was almost indecipherable. It's like your computer having 10GB of RAM but someone only installs 32-bit Windows 7 on it (instead of 64-bit), so you're not able to utilize the whole RAM potential of your computer. Everything still works but it's still not the full potential because you don't have the complete, or rather the correct, package.
So the objective is to keep people in bondage to material existence, and hopefully permanently merge the spirit into bodily/physical existence. Anything that keeps the consciousness in the material and diverts attention away from the spiritual is being done by the Custodians in the form of the corrupted Brotherhood.
Going back to the Garden of Eden story, that's why the snake was vilified and why it mentions that man will have to toil in the physical from birth to death, again to make physical survival such a chore and a drain on time and energy that all our consciousness gets anchored into physical survival and a materialist outlook.
So from the recorded history of the human race, there were major efforts to keep man in the physical consciousness. Wars, religions that pitted one against the other, modern money, the emphasis on too much work, chemicals to affect our pineal gland, etc, etc. All are variations of the same basic theme and objective. If it seems like the way the modern world is set up is keeping people too busy, too sick and too dumbed down to bother with anything else except to pay the bills, to pay for doctors and medicines, and to entertain one after a stressful day at work, it's because it's all being orchestrated to keep us that way.
At the same time, throughout history there have been efforts to interject the true spiritual teachings that would liberate man, such as the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha. So it seems there are still those minority Custodians (according to the author) who are working for the liberation of man. However, again the corrupted Brotherhood infiltrated and corrupted the teachings until the early Christian Church became the Catholic Church with its dogmas and Buddhism devolved into a religion rather than the way of life it was meant to be.
Given this tendency towards corruption of spiritual teachings, it's even more important to practice discernment. It's even more priceless if one encounters a Teacher who can lift the veils of deception and transmit the Teachings as accurately as possible. The real meaning of the word guru is "dispeller of darkness" and nowhere is that more true than with the spiritual teachings, in light of the "fatal twists" that are all around.
Another insight I got from reading the book is that when we say we are striving towards the "liberation from the wheel of death and rebirth," when taken in context of the Custodians trying to permanently trap the spirit into physical existence, perhaps that wheel or cycle of rebirth is the trap that they originally set and that is what we are being taught to escape from. The form of the trap is desire (in Buddhism, grasping and aversion), imprinted in our subconscious minds and our astral bodies, which many esoteric teachings say prevent us from achieving liberation. This desire is constantly being reprogrammed into us by false philosophies, extremist views, hatreds, television, propaganda and so on.
There is another important thing related to the above. I've always wondered why when we are reborn, our memories of past lives are wiped away (at least among the majority of us)? How are we supposed to redress past wrongs or understand our current challenges if we are not aware why they are there in the first place? The most common explanation I've read is that it is not to unduly burden our efforts in the present life and so that we may learn the exercise of our free will (for example, if one was previously a king but in this life was now a beggar, one might be too overcome with the memory of kingship to effectively work out this life as a beggar, or the person might even become arrogant to other beggars).
However, in the chapter discussing Mormonism, there is an explanation there that sheds more light to the above memory wipe upon rebirth. For that I will quote directly from the book:
"Mormonism teaches that everyone lived with the Heavenly Father (God) before coming to Earth. As part of God’s grand plan, people are sent to Earth in order to learn right from wrong, and to demonstrate to God that they prefer doing good over evil. However, something is done to all spiritual beings who are sent to Earth: they are induced with amnesia about their prebirth existences. According to a pamphlet published by the Mormon Church:
. . . though we might sometimes sense intimations of our premortal existence [spiritual existence before taking on a body] as “through a glass darkly” [vaguely], it would be effectively blocked from our memory.
This is a remarkable claim, for it suggests that memory of pure spiritual existence is in some way deliberately blocked from human memories by the Custodial society as part of its effort to weld spiritual beings to human bodies. The Custodial society does seem to have effective methods for occluding memory, as demonstrated in modern UFO abduction cases where human victims are apparently caused to suffer almost complete amnesia regarding their abduction experiences.
The forced amnesia described in Mormon had several purported purposes, one of which was:
. . . to ensure that our choice of good or evil would reflect our earthly desires and will, rather than the remembered influence of our All-Good Heavenly Father.
This is also an astonishing admission. It alleges that spiritual memory is dimmed so that people will base their actions on their concerns as material beings rather than upon their knowledge and remembrance of spiritual existence. This can only hamper the ability of individuals to attain a high level of ethics because true ethics must ultimately take into account a person’s spiritual nature when confronted with an ethical dilemma.
By reducing all questions of ethics to strictly earthly concerns, people are prevented from fully resolving those ethical questions that will start them on the road to full spiritual recovery."
Anyway, in the end, one question I kept asking was why the Custodians even bothered. Although still "enslaved" to a physical existence, we aren't directly giving them anything (that we know of) in terms of resources. So why is there still that effort to keep us fettered here? Perhaps the experiment is still on-going, namely the drive to permanently fuse spirit into physical existence. Our daily life is part of that grand experiment that has being going on for millennia.
It seems that the author views all extraterrestial races as hostile to humanity, except for a minority of compassionate individual aliens. I don't know about that, although I'm sure those who follow the channeled messages of the Pleiadians and similar ET races would object. But what I am sure of is that I'm thankful I was able to get on the spiritual path with as little "fatal twists" as possible.
But whatever one's belief, The Gods of Eden is still a very informative book to read. I'll try to discuss some of the other interesting chapters of that book in another article, but I highly encourage people to read it themselves if they can.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Weather Wars?
If you've been reading enough UFO-related information, you may also have encountered topics dealing with "weather control" and "scalar weapons." Big countries such as the US, Russia and China supposedly have access to these technologies and they go the extra mile to publicly debunk and deny the existence of such weapons. A supposed example of this type of weapon is the HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project), located in Alaska, USA.
These weapons can supposedly do such things as start earthquakes, cause hurricanes and typhoons or cause droughts in particular areas. Hurricane Katrina was supposedly created and guided by such a weapon, and the long drought in Texas is also said by some to be a result of weather control.
Whether one believes such stories or not, the recent spate of crazy weather systems across the world can still make one wonder. Over the past few days, I've been following the different updates of k's weather and more in Facebook. Of particular interest is WP90, although I'm not sure if that's the same system that developed into Tropical Depression Ramon which has, as of this writing, already made landfall in Mindanao and the Visayas.
(Image courtesy of k's weather and more at Facebook)
If you'll take a look at the track in the image above, the weather disturbance pretty much criss-crosses the Philippine Sea, as if it's unsure whether to make landfall or not, or to develop into a storm or not. Aside from technological means, there are other ways to influence the weather. I've heard stories of mystic groups that did rituals in order to weaken or deflect incoming typhoons.
Again, looking at how WP90 has acted over the past week, it's like there was a tug of war between two opposing forces, one trying to deflect it or prevent it from becoming a storm, and the other trying to push it on its way into the Philippines.
However which way it's playing out, it certainly never hurts to keep praying. The combined thought force of several million people with one purpose is certainly a force to be reckoned with, something that cannot merely be duplicated with the flick of a switch.
These weapons can supposedly do such things as start earthquakes, cause hurricanes and typhoons or cause droughts in particular areas. Hurricane Katrina was supposedly created and guided by such a weapon, and the long drought in Texas is also said by some to be a result of weather control.
Whether one believes such stories or not, the recent spate of crazy weather systems across the world can still make one wonder. Over the past few days, I've been following the different updates of k's weather and more in Facebook. Of particular interest is WP90, although I'm not sure if that's the same system that developed into Tropical Depression Ramon which has, as of this writing, already made landfall in Mindanao and the Visayas.

If you'll take a look at the track in the image above, the weather disturbance pretty much criss-crosses the Philippine Sea, as if it's unsure whether to make landfall or not, or to develop into a storm or not. Aside from technological means, there are other ways to influence the weather. I've heard stories of mystic groups that did rituals in order to weaken or deflect incoming typhoons.
Again, looking at how WP90 has acted over the past week, it's like there was a tug of war between two opposing forces, one trying to deflect it or prevent it from becoming a storm, and the other trying to push it on its way into the Philippines.
However which way it's playing out, it certainly never hurts to keep praying. The combined thought force of several million people with one purpose is certainly a force to be reckoned with, something that cannot merely be duplicated with the flick of a switch.
Friday, October 7, 2011
October 28, 2011: Actual End Date of the Mayan Calendar?
Sometime last year, one of my friends came across the work of Carl Johan Calleman, an independent Swedish researcher who had been extensively studying the Mayan culture and calendar for close to 20 years. In his research, Calleman presents an intriguing and different interpretation of the Mayan calendar that explains the reason time seems to be speeding up. And according to him, the Mayan calendar doesn't end on December 21, 2012 but rather October 28, 2011 (yes, as of this writing that's only 21 days away; talk about these things creeping up on you!).
Interestingly, in Gregg Braden's book Fractal Time, he also mentions about time speeding up. Actually, he focused more on how previous events that needed resolution will have similar conditions repeat themselves in a much sooner cycle than before. He uses the Golden Mean for his calculations although the basis for his end date is still 2012.
At the time we first encountered Calleman's research, it was interesting information but we somehow forgot about it until we encountered his research again in the video The Quickening. I'll write another article about The Quickening, but I'll focus more on Calleman here since his research forms the basis of the video anyway.
I'll try to summarize the message of Calleman's work in as few words as possible, because his research is really quite extensive. The basis of the Mayan calendar is the 9 step pyramid. Each step in the pyramid represents an "underworld" or wave. Each wave is divided into 13 phases (7 days and 6 nights; notice the parallel to the Biblical "7 days"). As you shift upward into the next wave, the next "step" is shorter than the previous one as a representation of the jump in consciousness. However, each wave still has the same number of phases so each phase has a shorter length of time compared to the same phase in the last wave. This is why time seems to be speeding up.
The first wave was billions of years long. We are currently on the 9th wave or last "step" and it only started on March 9, 2011 (a day before the devastating earthquake in Fukushima, Japan). The end date for this particular wave is October 28, 2011. So you can see how much shorter each succeeding wave becomes.
If you want a more detailed look into the particulars, visit Calleman's website and look at the following articles located at the left margin of the page:
1. An introduction to the Mayan calendar
2. The Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens
For a more detailed discussion on the wave we are currently in, you can look at this other article also located in Calleman's website.
If you're reading this, I'm sure one of the burning questions at the back of your mind is: What is supposed to happen on October 28, 2011?
I think the jury is still out on that one. On the one hand, previous shifts in consciousness affected the way we think and the way we lived our lives. Examples of this would be the Industrial Revolution, the wars at the first half of the 20th century, explosion of the Internet and so on. But on the other hand, October 28, 2011 represents the end of the 9 waves of the Mayan pyramid, the culmination of billions of years of evolution. What is it going to be? Your guess is as good as mine.
If there's one thing that's sure, it's that this information will take most people unawares, at least among the believers (makes me recall Jesus' words, that he would come "like a thief in the night"). A lot of people, even me and my friends, have been so focused on 2012, with Hollywood and other media jumping into the hype, that most people probably wouldn't have prepared for something much earlier.
Either way, October 28, 2011 is just around the corner, so there's nothing but to just get right down to it and enjoy the show (if there will be one). Should we start selling our houses and all our possessions to prepare? I wouldn't suggest that. But we should still have some sort of preparation (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) within the limits of one's time and resources.
Interestingly, in Gregg Braden's book Fractal Time, he also mentions about time speeding up. Actually, he focused more on how previous events that needed resolution will have similar conditions repeat themselves in a much sooner cycle than before. He uses the Golden Mean for his calculations although the basis for his end date is still 2012.
At the time we first encountered Calleman's research, it was interesting information but we somehow forgot about it until we encountered his research again in the video The Quickening. I'll write another article about The Quickening, but I'll focus more on Calleman here since his research forms the basis of the video anyway.
I'll try to summarize the message of Calleman's work in as few words as possible, because his research is really quite extensive. The basis of the Mayan calendar is the 9 step pyramid. Each step in the pyramid represents an "underworld" or wave. Each wave is divided into 13 phases (7 days and 6 nights; notice the parallel to the Biblical "7 days"). As you shift upward into the next wave, the next "step" is shorter than the previous one as a representation of the jump in consciousness. However, each wave still has the same number of phases so each phase has a shorter length of time compared to the same phase in the last wave. This is why time seems to be speeding up.
The first wave was billions of years long. We are currently on the 9th wave or last "step" and it only started on March 9, 2011 (a day before the devastating earthquake in Fukushima, Japan). The end date for this particular wave is October 28, 2011. So you can see how much shorter each succeeding wave becomes.
If you want a more detailed look into the particulars, visit Calleman's website and look at the following articles located at the left margin of the page:
1. An introduction to the Mayan calendar
2. The Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens
For a more detailed discussion on the wave we are currently in, you can look at this other article also located in Calleman's website.
If you're reading this, I'm sure one of the burning questions at the back of your mind is: What is supposed to happen on October 28, 2011?
I think the jury is still out on that one. On the one hand, previous shifts in consciousness affected the way we think and the way we lived our lives. Examples of this would be the Industrial Revolution, the wars at the first half of the 20th century, explosion of the Internet and so on. But on the other hand, October 28, 2011 represents the end of the 9 waves of the Mayan pyramid, the culmination of billions of years of evolution. What is it going to be? Your guess is as good as mine.
If there's one thing that's sure, it's that this information will take most people unawares, at least among the believers (makes me recall Jesus' words, that he would come "like a thief in the night"). A lot of people, even me and my friends, have been so focused on 2012, with Hollywood and other media jumping into the hype, that most people probably wouldn't have prepared for something much earlier.
Either way, October 28, 2011 is just around the corner, so there's nothing but to just get right down to it and enjoy the show (if there will be one). Should we start selling our houses and all our possessions to prepare? I wouldn't suggest that. But we should still have some sort of preparation (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) within the limits of one's time and resources.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Aftermath: Ondoy Redux?
At the time of this writing, Northern Luzon is still reeling from the double whammy that was Pedring and Quiel (international names Nesat and Nalgae, respectively) and what can I say, what happened now is even worse than previous typhoons because floodwaters are only stubbornly receding. I saw in a newspaper that the total damage would probably exceed that of typhoon Ondoy.
Climate change is a reality, whether we accept that fact or not. However, government response and preparations for such changes are still sadly inadequate. So it now falls to the individual to prepare as best as possible for different disaster scenarios.
A few weeks ago, my friends and I were fortunate enough to meet Ed Guevara. He is the founder of Geo Farms in Pangasinan. Geo Farms came into existence in 1991 and is one of the first, if not the first, eco-sustainable farms in the Philippines. They grow organic spirulina as well as a host of other organic products like tanlad (lemongrass), mint, etc. For those with a more esoteric mindset, the whole farm has a layout that follows the principles of sacred geometry.
Ed also teaches disaster preparation and survival. At the farm, they teach courses on how to prepare grab bags, how to make a survival boat using plastic drum and pvc pipes, and how to create a life vest using empty plastic water bottles. These are all skills that small communities can practice not only for disaster preparedness but also as a source of livelihood.
Ed explains that there are always three phases when it comes to disaster preparation: Before, During and After. The most critical portion is Before because this is the only time you can learn the skills and prepare the equipment necessary. The During phase will last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. And finally, you must also have a plan for After, because what happens during a disaster can affect your long-term continuance and survival (for example, the forced evacuation of residents around the Fukushima power plant because of high levels of radiation).
Whatever level of preparedness you are looking for, taking up the disaster preparation and survival seminar of Ed Guevara should be part of your Before plans.
If you are interested in finding out more about Geo Farms, you may visit the Geo Farm website.
Climate change is a reality, whether we accept that fact or not. However, government response and preparations for such changes are still sadly inadequate. So it now falls to the individual to prepare as best as possible for different disaster scenarios.
A few weeks ago, my friends and I were fortunate enough to meet Ed Guevara. He is the founder of Geo Farms in Pangasinan. Geo Farms came into existence in 1991 and is one of the first, if not the first, eco-sustainable farms in the Philippines. They grow organic spirulina as well as a host of other organic products like tanlad (lemongrass), mint, etc. For those with a more esoteric mindset, the whole farm has a layout that follows the principles of sacred geometry.
Ed also teaches disaster preparation and survival. At the farm, they teach courses on how to prepare grab bags, how to make a survival boat using plastic drum and pvc pipes, and how to create a life vest using empty plastic water bottles. These are all skills that small communities can practice not only for disaster preparedness but also as a source of livelihood.
Ed explains that there are always three phases when it comes to disaster preparation: Before, During and After. The most critical portion is Before because this is the only time you can learn the skills and prepare the equipment necessary. The During phase will last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. And finally, you must also have a plan for After, because what happens during a disaster can affect your long-term continuance and survival (for example, the forced evacuation of residents around the Fukushima power plant because of high levels of radiation).
Whatever level of preparedness you are looking for, taking up the disaster preparation and survival seminar of Ed Guevara should be part of your Before plans.
If you are interested in finding out more about Geo Farms, you may visit the Geo Farm website.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Angelic Human
Yesterday I came across a YouTube video about angelic humans. I liked the overall message and it has a soothing background music as well. You can watch the video here:
The concept of the angelic human being referred to here is more than just a person with angelic attributes, but someone whose soul is literally angelic and who incarnated in this plane for a specific purpose.
This is an interesting addition to the topic of angelic versus human evolution. There are several different points of view here. For instance, in Theosophy at the pinnacle of one's evolution as a human (meaning, once one has learned all that one can as a human), one has several paths to choose from to further one's evolution, and one of these choices is the path of the deva or angel. Therefore some devas used to be human souls, although the path of the deva is considered a totally different line of evolution. Nature spirits are said to follow the deva evolution.
Although in the Bible it seems that angels are totally different from humans, it is implied that humans can also become angels. For instance, Enoch (from the Book of Enoch) is said to have become the Archangel Metatron.
Since angels are on a completely different evolutionary path and so far it seems that it is humans who evolve into angels and not the other way around, I'm not sure about the concept of angels incarnating as humans, since they require totally different realms of experience.
But whether one is an angel soul or human soul, it doesn't change the fact that we should always be aware of and access the divine within us. It's a more fancy way of saying "be a good person" but that's what it always boils down to.
The concept of the angelic human being referred to here is more than just a person with angelic attributes, but someone whose soul is literally angelic and who incarnated in this plane for a specific purpose.
This is an interesting addition to the topic of angelic versus human evolution. There are several different points of view here. For instance, in Theosophy at the pinnacle of one's evolution as a human (meaning, once one has learned all that one can as a human), one has several paths to choose from to further one's evolution, and one of these choices is the path of the deva or angel. Therefore some devas used to be human souls, although the path of the deva is considered a totally different line of evolution. Nature spirits are said to follow the deva evolution.
Although in the Bible it seems that angels are totally different from humans, it is implied that humans can also become angels. For instance, Enoch (from the Book of Enoch) is said to have become the Archangel Metatron.
Since angels are on a completely different evolutionary path and so far it seems that it is humans who evolve into angels and not the other way around, I'm not sure about the concept of angels incarnating as humans, since they require totally different realms of experience.
But whether one is an angel soul or human soul, it doesn't change the fact that we should always be aware of and access the divine within us. It's a more fancy way of saying "be a good person" but that's what it always boils down to.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
We Can Do Something
Volcanic Eruptions
Storm Surges
Any natural or man made calamity
Introducing the Meditation on Twin Hearts:
A meditation for peace and illumination.
As you bless the Earth you change your destiny in small ways; as you change your destiny, you affect other peoples' destinies around you; as you affect the destinies of people around you, they affect the destinies of other people around them. Eventually your nation, humanity's destiny is affected and changed for the better in small increments.
The more people you invite to meditate with you, the more the collective destinies of your people will change.
Change the destiny of your country, change the destiny of humanity, change the destiny of the Earth. Together let us work to manifest Heaven on Earth!
And even if you were skeptical about how your thoughts could affect the environment, a few minutes of meditation is still better than a few minutes of hearing gossip and intrigues, so there is nothing to lose by trying this.
Simple Version:
Do a simple set of exercises like jumping jacks and stretches or any exercise you prefer, just make sure you move/stretch every part of your body including the eyes (you can exercise the eyes using eye rotations, clockwise and counter-clockwise).
1. Invoke for Divine Blessings.
2. Connect the tip of your tongue to your palate.
3. Be aware of your heart center, and visualize the Earth in front of you the size of a small ball.
4. While maintaining awareness of your heart center, raise your hands to chest level with palms facing the visualized Earth. You may use any prayer to bless the Earth or use a part of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.
5. Next be aware of your crown center (the top of your head) and continue blessing the Earth. You can say the following prayer if you want:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.
Let the entire earth be blessed with
goodwill and the will to do good.
Again, try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.
6. Now be aware of your heart and crown centers simultaneously while blessing the Earth. As before, you may say your own prayer or use the following:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, every being
be blessed with divine love and kindness
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness,
Caringness and tenderness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With inner healing, inner beauty,
divine bliss and, divine oneness.
7. Rest your hands on your lap and imagine a brilliant light on top of your head. While maintaining the imagination, silently chant the mantra OM several times and also be aware of the silence between the OMs.
After silently chanting the OMs, just be aware of the stillness, relax and let go for a few minutes. Just allow yourself to immerse in the bliss and stillness of the moment.
8. Gently return your awareness to your body and then release the excess energy by blessing the Mother Earth again.
You can also bless your family, your work, your projects, anyone you are in conflict with. There are many amazing stories of reconciliation and success by people who have done this.
9. Now root yourself to the Earth by imagining streams of light extending from your feet and the base of your spine to about 6 to 10 feet below the ground and continue blessing the Earth. At the end you can say, "I am connected and rooted to Mother Earth."
This is important to avoid having a detached, spacey feeling afterwards.
10. Give thanks to God for all the blessings.
Do another set of simple exercises, shaking and stretches to work out the kinks in your body. Remember to also exercise your eyes.
Important note: If you feel any discomfort or pain during the meditation, simply stop the meditation.
The above steps may seem long, but if you customize the prayers and go through the meditation at your own pace, it can only take a few minutes. You can buy the guided meditation CD through the Pranic Healing Foundation of the Philippines (http://pranichealing.com.ph) or the nearest pranic healing center in your area.
For a detailed discussion on the Meditation on Twin Hearts, visit http://meditationontwinhearts.tel/
The point is, you need not helplessly watch on television while the world changes around us. You can do something from where you are right now.
(Props to Nonoy for the first half of the article.)
Volcanic Eruptions
Storm Surges
Any natural or man made calamity
Introducing the Meditation on Twin Hearts:
A meditation for peace and illumination.
As you bless the Earth you change your destiny in small ways; as you change your destiny, you affect other peoples' destinies around you; as you affect the destinies of people around you, they affect the destinies of other people around them. Eventually your nation, humanity's destiny is affected and changed for the better in small increments.
The more people you invite to meditate with you, the more the collective destinies of your people will change.
Change the destiny of your country, change the destiny of humanity, change the destiny of the Earth. Together let us work to manifest Heaven on Earth!
And even if you were skeptical about how your thoughts could affect the environment, a few minutes of meditation is still better than a few minutes of hearing gossip and intrigues, so there is nothing to lose by trying this.
Simple Version:
Do a simple set of exercises like jumping jacks and stretches or any exercise you prefer, just make sure you move/stretch every part of your body including the eyes (you can exercise the eyes using eye rotations, clockwise and counter-clockwise).
1. Invoke for Divine Blessings.
2. Connect the tip of your tongue to your palate.
3. Be aware of your heart center, and visualize the Earth in front of you the size of a small ball.
4. While maintaining awareness of your heart center, raise your hands to chest level with palms facing the visualized Earth. You may use any prayer to bless the Earth or use a part of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.
5. Next be aware of your crown center (the top of your head) and continue blessing the Earth. You can say the following prayer if you want:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.
Let the entire earth be blessed with
goodwill and the will to do good.
Again, try to imagine and feel the energy as it reaches out to the whole Earth and to every person.
6. Now be aware of your heart and crown centers simultaneously while blessing the Earth. As before, you may say your own prayer or use the following:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, every being
be blessed with divine love and kindness
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness,
Caringness and tenderness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With inner healing, inner beauty,
divine bliss and, divine oneness.
7. Rest your hands on your lap and imagine a brilliant light on top of your head. While maintaining the imagination, silently chant the mantra OM several times and also be aware of the silence between the OMs.
After silently chanting the OMs, just be aware of the stillness, relax and let go for a few minutes. Just allow yourself to immerse in the bliss and stillness of the moment.
8. Gently return your awareness to your body and then release the excess energy by blessing the Mother Earth again.
You can also bless your family, your work, your projects, anyone you are in conflict with. There are many amazing stories of reconciliation and success by people who have done this.
9. Now root yourself to the Earth by imagining streams of light extending from your feet and the base of your spine to about 6 to 10 feet below the ground and continue blessing the Earth. At the end you can say, "I am connected and rooted to Mother Earth."
This is important to avoid having a detached, spacey feeling afterwards.
10. Give thanks to God for all the blessings.
Do another set of simple exercises, shaking and stretches to work out the kinks in your body. Remember to also exercise your eyes.
Important note: If you feel any discomfort or pain during the meditation, simply stop the meditation.
The above steps may seem long, but if you customize the prayers and go through the meditation at your own pace, it can only take a few minutes. You can buy the guided meditation CD through the Pranic Healing Foundation of the Philippines (http://pranichealing.com.ph) or the nearest pranic healing center in your area.
For a detailed discussion on the Meditation on Twin Hearts, visit http://meditationontwinhearts.tel/
The point is, you need not helplessly watch on television while the world changes around us. You can do something from where you are right now.
(Props to Nonoy for the first half of the article.)
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