The arcane glyphs and symbols of the ancients have been replaced by the corporate logos and advertising hype of today. Who wouldn't think of a Big Mac every time one sees a McDonald's logo, or almost taste the chicken and gravy upon encountering the KFC sign?
According to Prentiss Tucker, author of the book The Lost Key: An Explanation of Masonic Symbols, one of the functions of a symbol is to instantly communicate a huge amount of information at one glance, but the message only makes sense if the one looking already holds the information in the first place.
As an example, Mr. Tucker cites the symbolism of the American flag. Every child in the United States is schooled about the different meanings of the symbols found in the American flag, the number of stars (50 stars representing the 50 states), the red and white stripes (the 13 red stripes representing the original 13 colonies), and so on. They represent different aspects of the history and identity of the United States, all encapsulated into one set of symbols. This is why an insult to the flag is an insult to the identity and being of the nation that the flag represents.
To every American, one look at the flag immediately recalls the whole history of their country and the accompanying feeling of pride and patriotism that the flag is meant to evoke. But to a foreigner who may not be acquainted with the history of the US or the significance of the symbols in the flag, the US flag would just be another set of colorful images and shapes.
The second function of a symbol lies in its ability to continuously bring up the appropriate message or information in the mind of the one looking at it. This constant repetition imprints the information in the subconscious and therefore reinforces whatever lesson or instruction is inherent in the message of the symbol. The subconscious is a powerful force to harness when schooling oneself in the esoteric arts, therefore every serious esoteric school and student includes mastery of the subconscious as part of their training. It is no wonder that every esoteric tradition the world over is full of symbols.
There is one other aspect about symbols that The Lost Key does not discuss, and it is the fact that symbols often try to communicate what cannot be explained but can only be experienced. Symbols try to form the bridge between the intuitive and the rational mind. This is why in deep meditation, one may sometimes see different shapes and scenes that are symbols for something that their rational minds cannot yet apprehend. Dreams are also a rich playground for symbolism as our subconscious tries to communicate with us.
Given these different functions and abilities of symbols, they constitute powerful tools of learning and development in the esoteric arts. Whoever creates and controls the use of symbols holds great power over people. Therefore, symbols can also be misused to great effect, as the power of advertising has repeatedly shown throughout the decades. Again, refer to my statements about the McDonald's symbol and the KFC logo. But there is one symbol that is so ubiquitous that we hardly notice it at all, yet if different accounts by prominent lightworkers like David Icke are to be believed, it has been one of the most insidious tools being used by the forces that seek to keep humanity in bondage. I am referring to the bar code.
The bar code is everywhere. You see it in price tags, books, pens, food packaging. Literally everywhere. The bar code is the mark of convenience that has allowed the modern world to ship, process, sell and buy large quantities of goods in the most efficient manner possible. No one in the modern world has not encountered the bar code. This is why it's one of the most insidious tools out there. You could position yourself off the grid, but if you have any modern manufactured item, chances are you'll have a bar code nearby.
How can a simple stamped design be so insidious? To understand this, one has to have an idea of how subtle energy works. By subtle energy, I refer to energy that for the most part science cannot detect or measure, such as pranic energy. The way subtle energy works, distance does not matter as long as the intent is there. It's the same principle that works for voodoo dolls. It doesn't matter where in the world the target is, as long as the voodoo doll is "tuned in" to the target, what one does to the voodoo doll will affect the target.
So the bar code in this sense serves as a "homing beacon" for whatever energy or program that the overall controller wants. What program, exactly? There are many theories out there, but none of them include anything good for anyone around the bar code. Examples include affecting the nutrient value of food in packaging marked with bar codes, making the contents of books harder to understand, fuzzing the mind and emotions of people holding items with bar codes in them, making people more susceptible to suggestion, and so on.
If one believes in subtle energy, the above theories can be easily verified. One can try to "scan" the energies emanating from bar codes. If one were clairvoyant, one could simply try to see the types of energies coming out of the bar codes. Or if one had a pendulum, one could put it over the bar code and test what type of energy is coming out of it.
Fortunately, there is a very simple fix for this, and that would be to cross out the bar codes (when possible) off the items marked with them. This includes the packaging on food or the ones in books. A simple black marker pen should do the job. Sometimes simply removing the price sticker is enough, although there are products that are absolutely bristling with bar codes (usually the case with some books). Use the subtle energy tests in the previous paragraph to compare the energy after removing or crossing out the bar codes.
Symbols are not to be underestimated, and there are unscrupulous forces that have been taking advantage of the power of symbols for many years now. Try to educate yourself, and like what a referee tells boxers and fighters before a match starts, "Protect yourself at all times."
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