Monday, December 12, 2011

Experiences with the Lunar Eclipse

Last week I wrote about the astrological significance of the December 10 total lunar eclipse. While that day passed without incident, the day after the eclipse (December 11) was certainly interesting for me and a few close friends.

First of all, my friends from our airsoft team were supposed to play airsoft that day, but when we showed up at the site, there were no players present although the site was open. It didn't rain that morning, so it didn't explain why no one was there at a time when there should already have been a few people around. My friends and I just decided to hang out in a nearby mall and eat lunch there before heading home. It was still fun and enjoyable and the food was great, although I was really looking forward to the exercise.

Over lunch, I later learned that a few of our other friends were supposed to join us for airsoft but for one reason or the other couldn't make it. One had something come up with the schedule, another suddenly had to attend to his papers, and another was downed by food poisoning the previous night. If there were more of us we still could have played even within our own team. As it was, we had to think of something else to do.

That morning before I left for the playing site, I also learned that my meditation group wasn't going to push through with our afternoon session because our group facilitator had to drive out of town at the last minute for a special project. In the evening, she related that her own sudden out of town adventure took so many twists and turns and what happened was nothing like what she expected.

Taken all together, there was too much similarity in the circumstances to attribute them to pure coincidence. It was probably the Mercury retrograde that was magnified by the energy of the lunar eclipse. What an interesting way for all of that to manifest.

In any case, even though things didn't go as planned for that day, it didn't really turn out too bad. At least I got to spend some time relaxing with friends I rarely get to see anyway, and I suddenly had time in the afternoon to catch up on rest and a couple of other household projects that were pending.

The lesson for me here is that even if things don't go your way, as long as you go with the flow instead of throwing a fit, things will still fall into place and you can still find yourself having an enjoyable and productive day, albeit one that you didn't plan for. But sometimes, that's just exactly what we need.

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